Sunday, January 25, 2015

Why We Need Inspiration, Not Motivation

I propose that understanding the difference between motivation and inspiration can totally transform your life and bring about tremendous ease. How exactly, you may ask?

Well, consider how many times did you have to motivate your self to do something? I sure know the many times in my life I was motivating myself to do something like lose weight before that wedding, go the the gym, fit into those jeans I used to wear when I was 21, stop eating donuts, start eating more salad, and the tortuous resistant list goes on.

So what is the difference between motivation and inspiration? And why should I pay attention to where I'm functioning from?

Motivation is driven by our ego. There's a determination that's driven by goals and overcoming obstacles. We are stressing, forcing, making things happen on our time, it feels hard. There's a strict formula to follow. Competing and proving to others that we can. 

Motivation has a destination to reach. When we are motivated we demonstrate drive and ambition. We motivate ourselves to do an activity, take action to "make" our goal happen. That activity feels hard and that is why we call it motivating ourselves. 

When we honestly look at what motivation is, its actually us forcing ourselves to take action out of fear. We lack faith that things will turn out favorably for us. Motivation usually comes from an external source. This really is doing it the hard way!

Whereas, Inspiration comes from the inside.

Inspiration, is as if an idea, a feeling, an insistent knowing has taken over us. Inspired action feels wonderful! 

The word inspiration itself gives us a clue as to where that powerful urge to create comes from.. 'in' ..'spirit'.. It comes from Spirit, the un manifest and invisible reality from which all physical life originates. 

When we are inspired we may do things that may make no logical sense to others. We are just following a deep sense of knowing that's beyond our logical, and calculating ego mind. Being inspired is a direction we feel somehow guided to take. There's a sense of alignment to something greater than just ourselves. Its a surrendering to our hearts calling. 

Time seems to stand still. During a moment of inspiration we trust and suspend our identification to ego and that it may not know whats best for us. There is no doubt or fear but rather a total assurance that everything is perfect. 

When we live our lives from inspiration our example moves others to live their life to the fullest also. Words can only teach so much. However, its through our actions that we demonstrate and empower others to walk their truth.

One example I often think of is when I had a crazy persistent idea that I had since I was a little girl. And that was that I wanted to work with dogs, specifically beagles. 

At the time I was a successful practitioner and I thought I was fulfilled. But deep inside, my heart was saying something else. It was a crazy idea. 

After pushing it aside for years as a ridiculous idea I began feeling it in my heart and just imagining what my daily life would look like. The more I thought about it, the more there began to be a sense of familiarity. 

I saw beagles and pictures of beagles everywhere! They appeared every where I went, and I felt such overwhelming joy when I saw one that it was just too much to ignore. 

When a beagle puppy came into my life temporarily, its like a space in my heart had opened that I never knew existed. The idea then started becoming reality. And I had concreted it in my head and heart.

I had to take a leap of faith, leave my established career and start my own dog walking business specializing in beagles. It was scary but the joy and certainty I felt was unlike anything I'd felt before. 

In total faith I quit my career and followed my heart. Coincidentally, I met the most supportive and amazing people, and their beautiful dogs! The relationships I formed and the wonderful memories I have are priceless. 

It wasn't about money but rather about quality of life. I trusted that all would be provided for me somehow. And it was. Doors miraculously opened and my business became more successful than I thought it would be. This is something I will never regret.

Have you experienced times like this? When everything just seemed to flow easily in support of your supposedly crazy idea? Do you hear conversations related to your inspired idea? Meet people who successfully are are doing what you would love to do? Miraculously just have enough money to take that workshop or buy that book that's related to your dream? This is living from inspiration. This is living your truth from an open and trusting heart.

When we are inspired to follow our inner calling its like we entrust ourselves to something even greater than our physical life. We feel a deep connection that's beyond what the ego can comprehend.

We are not focusing on the end result as such, but rather the process that we feel empowered to take. We are not "making" things happen but rather allowing things to happen. 

The more often that that we connect to Spirit, our Higher Self and follow our heart, the more we cease to be driven by the ego demands from others or ourselves.

When we are following Inner Guidance we also start seeing more synchronicity and coincidences occur frequently.

There's a greater sense of joy, ease, wonder and amazement. When you feel totally aligned like that, everything appears before you magically, the right people, money, opportunities, doors open that you couldn't see before. It becomes easier to believe in miracles. 

And because you are allowing and flowing with ease toward your life purpose or intention, you begin living your life more on purpose. 

Connecting with the feeling of inspiration we tap into an infinite supply of knowledge, resources, and energy. That's why when we are inspired we  are able to spend a ridiculous amount of time doing something and not feel tired! Inspiration gives us unlimited power.

Have you noticed when you are doing something you love, you can stay up for hours, not need sleep, forget about eating, and still feel absolutely alive? Connecting to what inspires us nourishes our soul. 

When motivated we have a destination to reach. However when we are in-spirit, or feel inspired, its a direction we choose to take and enjoy every moment of our journey. Even though we may not even know where that journey is taking us, we instinctively trust that our heart is leading us to exactly where we are meant to be in each given moment.

Life does become easier when we are living it from a place of inspiration. Motivation can be tiring, judgmental and competitive. Actually those very words describe when we are living from the ego.
Do you remember how you felt when everything in life was easily falling into place for you? This IS how life is meant to be for all of us. It is in this state that we live fully. 

I've been questioning everything I was taught to believe and I'm starting to observe the very opposite of what I thought 'normal' was. What if there IS enough love, time, opportunities for everyone?

I choose to believe that we live in an abundant universe. And I've noticed that the more I trust that I don't need to motivate myself but rather trust the process, patiently wait til I feel inspired to take action then everything unfolds exactly as its meant to be. I believe that we need more inspiration in this world because living our lives from this space is the recipe for instant peace, joy, and a life of purpose. Try it for yourself!

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