Friday, January 9, 2015

Can Words Affect You Physically?

Many physical substances, such as sugar and salt, are able to dissolve in water. But did you know the vibrational pattern of anything can also be stored and read by water?

An emotion or thought is a vibration too!

So why is this important? Because if we consist of 70% water, vibrations such as thoughts, emotions and words can affect us.

Did you know these amazing facts about water??
-Fetuses begin life with a body that consists of approximately 99% water
-When we are born that amount is reduced to a total of 90% water
-Throughout our adult life we consist of about 70%
-When we are old its further reduced to 50%

This indicates the importance of water and that every organ, system, cell,  and process in our body is influenced by water. 

Water also has a powerful ability to carry information?

How Words Can Affect Us Physically

The famous Japanese researcher Dr Masaru Emoto demonstrated this when he put jars of water, spoke a particular word directed at that jar of water every day, such as "I love you", "I hate you", "thank you", "you're an idiot". He then froze that water, looked at the water molecules structure under the microscope, and took photos. 

His findings were absolutely astounding! His pictures really demonstrated the power of the words we use!

Words that were encouraging and beautiful created complete and totally symmetrical crystals. Whereas words that were aggressive and negative in general, failed to form crystals or looked quite deformed.

His experiments showed the truth of what many spiritual masters have been teaching for thousands of years. 

The words that we speak, thoughts, and emotions that we have, are all vibrations that effect water. We consist of 70% water, therefore they affect us.

Its not just the person we are directing them at. When we ourselves choose kind words over angry, hateful words were are actually helping and healing ourselves. 
We are taking responsibility for how we choose to react because we understand that thoughts of aggression, hate, and fear are hurting us.

By not returning hate for hate we are taking our own power back. That is also why we feel so good when we speak lovingly toward someone, and we feel quite unwell when we discuss, listen to, complain about fearful, hateful things. 

What about how we speak to ourselves? Our inner self talk? Are you telling your self loving things, or fearful things?? This is how we create health or disease, by what we affirm.

Buddhas quote really makes sense when we see it in this context:
 "You will not be punished for your anger, You will be punished by your anger"

I beleive that taking responsibility for our thoughts, emotions and actions is the beginning of wisdom.
Once we know certain indisputable facts that are now even supported by science, we can no longer remain victims. We all have the power to choose heaven or hell, and not blame the external circumstances of our life. Its an exciting time in history to be living in!

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