Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The MOST Cheapest Remedy To Cure All Ills!

I have always loved talking to people about how to empower themselves and reduce dependency on expensive supplements or drugs. After all, we all have the right to access simple, affordable and very effective natural remedies in our home that could greatly benefit us. This is just another very simple remedy every one just has to know about!

Its sodium bicarbonate, or plain old baking soda. I will just briefly outline the benefits on human health so you can remember to use and prevent further illness with.

Sodium bicarbonate is actually naturally produced in our body to neutralize acidity, or balance pH. Sodium is a mineral that is part of the body's alkaline mineral reserves that helps to buffer over acidification. Most chronic illnesses today can be classified as 'acidic'.

We have been told a BIG fat lie regarding sodium and all its dangers. Pharmaceutical industry thrives and profits by creating confusion and fear about simple ways that we could be helping ourselves. Bicarb soda is certainly an easily accessible and effective remedy that could seriously cut into their profits!

After living with type 1 diabetes for 30 years I'm certainly familiar with the frequent acidic taste in my mouth, and the burning of the roof of my mouth when my blood sugar levels sky rocket. So no, I don't need to wait until further for scientific testing to verify how helpful sodium bicarbonate has been for me!

I like taking a teaspoon of bicarb soda (aluminum free brand!) in a glass of water before i go to bed. I feel it takes away the heavy feeling after a big late meal, I never feel bloated so definitely helps with digestion, helps me sleep better, and I wake up feeling more energized in the morning.

Sodium bicarbonate replenishes your alkaline reserves. Its been known as an antacid. So instead of Mylanta, remember baking soda!
It reduces all sorts of symptoms that can be classified as acidic, such as bringing miraculous relief of:
  • indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach pain, ulcers
  • arthritis, gout and joint pain
  • sore muscles
  • delays fatigue when exercising
  • kidney stones, helps kidneys function more efficiently (because kidneys work hard to break down and remove acid)
  • urinary tract infections, relieves burning sensation
  • cold and flu
  • cancer, patients drink bicarb but also have it injected directly into the tumor itself which kills the cancer    http://www.cancertutor.com/simoncini/ 
  • tooth decay due to its antibacterial activity, has been found to kill Streptococcus mutans which the bacteria that causes decay
The list of uses for baking soda is almost endless. It whitens teeth, deodorizes, relieves insect bites, cleanses the toilet and unblocks drains, helps flowers last longer, is an excellent facial scrub and body exfoliant, sweeten tomatoes when added to soil, and the list goes on.

Here is a link to some further very interesting implications of sodium bicarbonate on human health

I highly recommend that everyone become familiar with with its uses. We could all benefit in more ways than one by including this in our health maintenance repertoire. 

I remember reading years ago about a study of elderly people in their 90's that revealed the people with the highest level of bicarbonate in their bloodstream were healthier AND lived significantly longer. The study concluded that bicarbonate levels were a marker of longevity.

Check out this bi carb 

Knowing about a such a simple and powerful remedy not only lessens our dependency on other toxic and expensive alternatives, it helps the environment and prevents us from getting ill in the first place by helping maintain the body's natural state of balance.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Stay Super Healthy With This Dirt Cheap Supplement!

I've always loved health promoting products that are exceptionally effective for a wide range of issues, affordable for everyone and easily accessible. So what I'm about to tell you about falls into these categories. Its diatomaceous earth. That's right, its actually dirt!

This simple remedy has a list of health benefits that really is just hard to comprehend. I'd heard about DE years ago but never committed to taking it every day. Well its been a few weeks now and I have noticed tremendous and visible improvements. Have a look some of the ways diatomaceous earth can benefit:

  • strengthens hair and nails
  • binds and detoxifies heavy metals, bacteria, parasites, viruses, worms, pesticide and drug residues
  • eases digestive issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, allergies
  • improves health of colon
  • helps reduce obesity
  • great for detoxing
  • reduces cholesterol
  • clarifies skin issues such as acne, rashes
  • improves quality of sleep
  • reduces cellulite
  • strengthens teeth and gums
  • regulates bowel movements
  • improves joint and ligament pain
  • reduces signs of aging, smooths complexion
  • improves immune system
  • increases vitality
  • benefits digestive health
  • increases absorption of food
  • eases arthritis symptoms

And these are just some of the benefits it has on human health, there are over 1500 ways!

Its also amazing benefits for pets, for your garden, helps get rid of pests naturally and has multiple cleaning uses!

Diatomaceous earth, also known as DE, is almost pure silica but also contains numerous other trace minerals.

The 1939 Nobel Peace Prize winner was Profesor Adolf Butenandt. He proved that life cannot exist without silica. So that's quite a significant discovery and implication for human health!

Since we are exposed to so many toxins in our air, food and water, diatomaceous earth is definitely something everybody would benefit from taking regularly.

The most common problem people have today regarding health is due to cumulative effects of toxins and synthetic substances, and our inability to eliminate them effectively. Most times we aren't even aware of what could be slowly poisoning us.

I believe that the climbing obesity rate is also due excessive toxin exposure. Because toxins are stored in fat, its as if our body is actually protecting our organs by storing more fat. Most of us don't need to diet but rather reduce our toxic exposure, detoxify. This is how DE would be beneficial to people wanting to lose fat.

DE chelates, or pulls out, and then binds to toxic metals such as mercury from vaccinations, seafood, and aluminum from cooking pots, cans and deodorants. (Did you know that boiling fluoridated tap water in aluminum pots extracts the aluminum exponentially!) Heavy metal toxicity is very prevalent. Most people now know about the aluminum and Alzheimer's link. How about the mercury and autism link?

DE is affordable for everybody and you only need to take 1-2 teaspoons a day, mixed into some water. Ok, so it tastes a bit grainy but I've certainly recommended more awful tasting herbs!

This is the DE I bought at my local organic store

You only need to make sure that the DE that you buy is food grade.

Check out this one!

I think most people would agree that prevention is the best medicine. Diatomaceous earth helps prevent many health issues by simply increasing elimination of toxins that are likely to build up in our body and mess up our ability to function at an optimal level. Whilst at the same time provides minerals that enhance our body's efficacy. What a fantastic natural and safe remedy. But most of all its affordable for everybody!


Friday, February 13, 2015

Can Type 1 Diabetes Be Reversed?

I believe that every illness is an opportunity to learn something about ourselves. Most of us however are not willing to make inconvenient diet and lifestyle changes and so the delegate responsibility to the pharmaceutical industry waiting for the magic pill to solve all our issues. So we can continue living exactly the same way we always have.

We develop a sense of identity with our illness and that has its payoffs too. I would know. Ive had type 1 diabetes for 30 years.

Sadly it isn't until you begin to suffer from a serious problem or symptom that may eventually kill you, that you begin to search high and low for an explanation and solution to your predicament.

I'm at that stage now. I've had some serious and typical signs of long term diabetes complications that I can no longer afford to ignore.

I'm at the stage that if I don't get real honest about how I blame, make excuses and delegate responsibility I could die with the next few years. And this has been a great wake up call!

Most type 1 diabetics have the luxury of covering their dietary 'sins' with insulin. I eat a cake, have an extra insulin injection, or two. Insulin helps us delay facing the consequences of our actions. Until perhaps you have lived this way for several decades.

All diabetics are supposedly predisposed to cancer, heart disease, depression, kidney failure, amputations, nerve damage and blindness. The duration of instability of our blood sugar levels will determine how long our body is able to handle these imbalances.

Its very taxing on our body to swing between extreme blood sugar levels. Most times we may look ok on the outside but the inside tells a different story.

We are prone to developing life threatening illnesses because all our organs have to work so much harder to maintain balance. Our internal reserves of nutrients are in deficit because we overspend.

Most, if not ALL, diabetics are deficient in zinc, magnesium, chromium, vitamin C, E and several other essential nutrients. Deficiencies of just one of these nutrients predisposes us to creating an environment that supports illness.

Take magnesium for example. It is a known fact that diabetics excrete higher levels of magnesium in their urine. A deficiency of magnesium can present in an array of heart issues, metabolic syndrome, mood disorders, depression, obesity, and fatigue.

So when we go for our 3 monthly check up and we experience for example, severe bouts of depression, what does our typical doctor do? He sure doesn't tell you about diabetes predisposing you to magnesium deficiency! No, he just tells you that unfortunately you are very likely to get chronic depression because that's typical for long term diabetics and recommends an antidepressant.

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that I have insulin and can stay alive. But I believe that insulin is a crutch and I'm still limping toward a slow predictable death.

When I was diagnosed I just received the standard information about glyceamic index, portion control, endless carbohydrate counting, and NOTHING about the actual nutrients in food or the implications and significance of common deficiencies! Let alone the significance of stress management!

Diabetes is also known to be the most expensive illness to have. So it got me thinking, why would there ever be a cure for diabetes if we are one of the biggest customers for pharmaceutical industry?

Our sick care industry survives and thrives when people remain unaware, in fear, and are continuously sick. The more we can expand our perspective, the more we are able to make conscious choices. Ignorance is a choice now days.

For example, did you know that particular vaccinations have shown to increase type 1 diabetes? There was a documented situation in New Zealand where the hepatitis B immunization program was followed by an epidemic of Insulin Dependent Diabetes Myelitis (type 1). The incidence of type 1 diabetes from 1982-1987 was 11.3 in 100,000 per year. After the hepatitis B vaccination program this rose to 60% in 1989-1991 to 18.2 in 100,000 per year!

Just knowing this information will lead us to question many other things we have been coerced to believe that were 'good' for us. I guess what has always bothered me is the creation of any dependency and constant confirmation that our body is not to be trusted.

I believe every illness can be reversed. But only IF, and WHEN we are ready to honestly look at what we choose to do (or not do) every single day. Everything we eat, drink and think is either going to be tipping the balance toward health or further illness.

I'm SO ready to stop blaming, delegating, making excuses, defending my identity as a diabetic. I'm over it.

We have always looked for a drug solution to throw at a health concern. And with diabetes statistics getting higher every year, clearly we are not succeeding. We have just expanded the list of complications, side effects and thrown more drugs into the mix.

I had to learn the hard way about deficiencies. I know exactly what it feels like and what my body presents with when iv neglected myself. I have seen others in practice make miraculous recoveries with simple supplementation and total commitment to putting themselves first, and healing. This was very empowering!
So, in conclusion, my answer is yes I do believe that type 1 can be reversed and we can go into remission. But that depends totally on ME and not how much people have donated to further medical research.

When we shift our focus and start to look at causes rather than cures, we take our personal power back. We are able to lessen our dependency on any drug if we are willing to open our mind, be flexible and perhaps re learn everything that we have been taught about whats possible for us. And take action!

My recent brushes with death have strengthened my resolve to fully focus on healing, not disease. I don't want to know anymore about HOW the body gets sick, and labeling more syndromes. I want to know more about HOW the body gets well and stays well.

I propose that simply setting an intention toward health and healing shifts our perspective and opens us up to previously unseen opportunities. Just by realizing that we are not victims and have power over our own lives gives us a renewed sense of well being.

What about you, how do you feel about where your state of health is going? Where are you headed, further down the road of predicted deterioration? Or are you making conscious daily choices heading toward achieving balance and a return to your natural state of health? Do you feel the Healers spirit rising within you?


Sunday, February 8, 2015

How To Survive Interactions With A Narcissist

Those of us who are fortunate enough to have identified the narcissist/s in our lives are now finally free to start rebuilding our self esteem and identity. Its those people who don't yet know that the Narcissistic Personality Disorder is one that slowly poisons and kills our self worth, while at the same time infects us with guilt and a feeling like we are the crazy ones, that does the most damage.

Any interactions with the narcissist are most likely to be toxic, that is why we walk away confused, exhausted, annoyed, hurt, unacknowledged, disrespected and just plain crazy. So lets keep all interactions brief, calm and on our terms.

Being mindful is the key to successfully engaging the narcissistic personality. Most of us are unaware of how tense and anxious we are when we are even in their presence. Its like we are always psychologically preparing for the worst. You never know which way the wind will blow.

One interaction could be considerate and give us hope, but somewhere deep inside we are always mistrustful. The next day it could be totally opposite and our hope is shattered. This Jekyll and Hide relationship is predictable in its unpredictably!

Some people automatically accept that this high level of stress and agitation is normal. But it is not.

Because our needs, wants, values, dreams, and hopes were never recognized by the narcissist in our lives, we tend to have believed that we are not deserving. We bought into their lies, dominance, and belittling because we lovingly trusted.

What I used to walk away with is wondering how this supposedly loving figure in my life could say the things that he randomly spewed out, be totally unaware that my spirit was totally crushed by their callous remark. I now realize they were incapable of empathizing.

Their only concern was maintaining their control, power, and of course, reputation. I was amazed at how well they glamorized everything they did, they knew, the brilliant friendships they supposedly had, the books they read. There wasn't much i could say to ever impress them because they finished all my sentences.

If I did share something I learned that I thought was impressive I would never get credit. But instead they would use my information by impressing someone else with it, which I heard about later down the grapevine, thus maintaining their image of brilliance and authority. While I was left belittled and unrecognized.

If you still have to deal with a narcissist then it is vital that on a daily basis you spend time alone. Reconnecting to your True Self via meditation, yoga, relaxation or visualization. This time out helps us gain insight, so we can become more objective of ourselves.

Being still in a grounding and spiritual practice allows us to develop our skill of knowing exactly how to react, if, and when. It strengthens our ability to choose and hold our reaction.

No matter how dramatic the narcissist is provoking your emotional response to be, you need to restrain yourself and allow some breathing space for your own reflection. Remember, you don't have to respond instantaneously to everything that happens.

Reacting from fear, anger, shock and outrage is what the narcissist is counting on. Your overreaction will just affirm his control and reinforces his authority.

Be calm, aware and only respond with confidence, clarity and self assertion. Remember, once they start believing that they are losing you as an audience they will go look elsewhere for another admirer, applauding audience member.

I wouldn't recommend sharing any personal information that was deep and heartfelt for you in a moment of weakness either. It will only be a matter of time before its used against you. Either to help establish to  others that they have a close relationship with you and they must be a caring person, or to use as blackmail and to make you feel guilty, in case you consider not conforming to what they want you to do.

After interactions with a narcissist you may feel sorry for them because they are so emotionally unaware. However if they get a whiff of your compassion, this will considered as a weakness by them and will be also used against you. If you walk away angry or emotional they will be greatly satisfied their work is done, they still have a faithful and naive follower.

If you continue in their convoluted and irrational conversations they will feel empowered because you are even considering what they are saying. So keep it brief. Don't give it too much mental space. Limit your exposure.

We need to recognize that there are pathways to personal freedom. But we must be vigilant in putting ourselves first. We need to be one step ahead of them, despite them thinking otherwise.

We need to recognize and honor what our body is telling us. We have had so many opportunities to develop our intuition because of the narcissistic personality in our life. Once we have identified this toxic personality we can start to confidently put our intuition to good use. Know your boundaries, set them and keep them!

For me its still a work in progress. But as time goes on and I regain my self confidence and surround myself with ONLY people who love and value me for who I am. I feel like the worst is now behind me.

Learning new skills from others who are further up the path of self worth have been on utmost benefit too.

Interactions with the narcissist now just show me how much Iv grown, and which areas I still need to work on.

I also remind myself repeatedly that I need to BE the peace that I want to see. Not the other way around. My peace and self worth is no longer dependent on anyone but myself. And that is truly empowering.


Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Vaccination For FEAR, Why We All Need It!

Is fear THE most destructive virus in our system? The emotion of fear is very contagious and certainly not life affirming.

When you choose to look at the world through the tainted glasses of fear you will only see threats, rejection, terror, anxiety, apprehension, and paranoia.

Fear will make you withdraw, be insecure, cautious, timid, mistrustful, shy, contracted, blocked and dreading. Even doubt, skepticism and pride are really all disguises for fear.

When you are making decisions based on fear you are not at your best. Fear robs you of living fully in the moment and being present for life as it is. You shut yourself off from possibility.

Ask yourself:
  • How much energy are you aware that is draining from you by beleiving a fear?
  • How much of this fear am I carrying around with me in my daily life?
  • How many of my my choices are being affected or limited?
  • Does it make me FEEL good to think this?
  • Is it stopping me, or encouraging me to take action, learn something new, question what I thought was true?
Do you believe that nothing out there has power over you? That its not life events but how you react to them? That its the attitude you have about those events that determines whether they have a positive or negative effect?

Fear is extremely weakiening to the human body! All thoughts of fear disempower you and produce excessive stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine the emotion of fear weakens the kidneys.

Fear basically stops you from fully living your life. It can lead to despondency, apathy hopelessness and total immobilization.

We only have so much energy with which to run our lives, and by using that energy to be in constant fear, causes us to  run into an energetic debt. Eventually the resources with which we pay this debt come from the energy in all our cells, which weakens the body and creates an internal environment that allows illness to occur.

I think you'll agree that fears can proliferate and become limitless in our imagination. We can become obsessive about fear, it is very contagious! Ralph Waldo Emerson quoted that "Fear defeats more people, than any other one thing in the world"

Most people are unaware that fear has become a dominant social trend. Fear turns us into victims.

Thats why the media portrays messages everywhere of potential illnesses, statistics of victims, viruses, bacteria, wars, death, robbery, loss of status, humiliation, fear of getting old, fear of getting fat, fear of not being lovable.

When finally we do see a breif story of hope we are quickly inoculated with doubt that this might work for us. Fear is the medias most powerful weapon of controlling the masses.

Fear is also the virus of choice that is used to divide us. When we are fearful, even doubtful we become weakened and submissive to a control outside of ourselves.

The media hynotizes us with messages of fear every day. Once we beleive a fear which is sensationalized, catastophized and has a touch of urgency added to it, we go into a predicatble spiral of behaviour.

We start to look for others to join us and confirm our belief. We talk about it with others, complain about it, sensationalize it even further, give it a stronger identiy in our mind and theirs, we join support groups to discuss every dreaded detail of our fear. This is how fear infects us if we are not aware that we have a choice to stop.

Take your power back and just observe fearful thoughts.
  • How do they feel in your body when you beleive that fear? 
  • What are you being coerced and manipulated to buy, do or think? 
  • Who benefits from us believing this fear?
  • Does this beleif create a dependecny outside of yourself that promises health and happiness?
If you are seeking to reach your full potential in life, you have to beleive that YOU have the power to refuse to buy into the negativity of our current societies beleif systems, and say no to them.

Fear can be used constructively however, and it can be used as a great motivator toward your goals.
But only if we start to question, detach and observe the fear. Our fears can also point us in the direction we need to grow.

Once we believe that we do have power over our own lives we will instantly experience a reduction in fear and stress. Believing we have choices to make that empower us will fill us with a renewed sense of well being.

The way out of fear is courage, faith, trust and willingness. Choose not to look and listen to stories of misery, tragedy, defeat and fear. Surround yourself with courageous and encouraging people who can serve as an example of how you too can succeed.

If you knew that your time on this earth was limited and you only had one more month, what would you do? You would lose all your fears instantly and realzie that you werent really living at all.

Everything that we want, hope to achieve and experience, is on the other side of fear. Become conscious of what you are paying attention to, what you are choosing to beleive, and don't let fear rob you of the magnificent life you deserve to live! Our time really is limited here.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Why I Beleive In Miracles!

Do you believe in the 'impossible'? Do you dream of the perfect job, your perfect partner, your perfect body, a miraculous healing from an illness?

Everything you look at today was once just somebody's dream and miracle! This is very clear evidence that dreams do come true, right?

Do you believe dreams are just wishful thinking? Miracles just happen in fairy tales? Or are they a key for what your hearts calling is?

Take these now very famous people for example:
  • Steve Jobs dropped out of college to start Apple in his parents garage!
  • Kris Wark was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer at age 26 healed completely with natural therapies!
  • J.K Rowling was on welfare and then worked in coffee shops to support herself before she became a best selling author!
  • the famous Dr Veronique Desaulniers cured herself of breast cancer naturally! http://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/how-veronique-desaulniers-healed-breast-cancer-2005/
  • Jimmy Moore was morbidly obese before going out on his own search for health, lost tremendous weight, gained health and is now teaching millions of others how to! http://www.cholesterolclarity.com/
  • Jess Ainscough  achieved her miracle and healed cancer with controversial Gerson Therapy! http://www.jessainscough.com/

There are MANY others who clearly became living examples of the miraculous occurring!

I believe that our dreams propel us into action. Without inspired action these realities cant manifest. when you truly feel passion for that supposedly crazy dream you have in your head, it gives you the courage to take action.

If however, you focus on how your dream can't come true, then you will most likely feel deterred from taking the required actions.

The word CAN'T in itself is very immobilizing. How about replacing that word with WON'T? How does that shift your awareness?

The word WON'T implies that you have made a choice. YOU choose NOT to take action, and that is empowering!

The word CAN'T is disempowering because it implies to your subconscious mind that its impossible and you are a victim.

To be a magnet for miracles you must consciously look at the words you say to yourself, and others. Many people still have difficulty accepting that their thoughts, emotions, and imagination actually do have power. And this in itself is the greatest stumbling block. Quantum physics is proving that our thoughts are actually manifestations and set things in motion.

The exemplary people who achieved the impossible did so because
  • they totally believed
  • persisted and didn't take no for an answer
  • chose to use resistance that they may have faced as a tool to strengthen their resolve
  • never lost faith in the inevitability of their dream
  • were fully focused on the solution       

 Other qualities they radiated include
  • optimism (not skepticism)
  • total self honesty (no blame)
  • open mindedness
  • flexibility (no stubbornness or denial)
  • willingness
  • commitment
  • acceptance of what is
  • self responsibility
  • a burning desire and determination
  • letting go of negativity
  • forgiveness for others and themselves
  • surrendering to ambiguity
  • humility (accepted that they may have been wrong)
  • accepting Divine timing (believed in something Greater than themselves, weren't functioning from ego)
  • gratitude (saw the gift in all the 'bad' they experienced)
  • focused on solutions rather than obstacles
Try this exercise to help understand the power of our mind.
Look around you where you are right now and notice everything that is red in color!

Did you notice how quickly your brain told your eyes to draw your attention to everything that was red?

Its the same when you have a belief for example, about how your illness is incurable. Your brain will automatically draw your attention to statistics of death, images in the media of horrible symptoms, complaining people who are struggling, you'll 'coincidentally' over hear conversations by strangers related to your belief of interest, and ecetera, all to confirm your belief! Our mind is very powerful.

Be aware of whether you are feeling denial, skepticism, or defensiveness because those emotions all stem from fear and create a blockage, they don't assist you in creating your dream. 

Most frequently we are so frightened of making the necessary changes and taking action toward our intended dream, that we enter into a pattern of postponing and excuses. 

When however, you become aware of what you believe, how you think and feel, you start taking charge of your life. You are no longer a victim of your unaware blocking belief and subconscious program. 

You then become like an energetic magnet for your dream, you open yourself up to receive the right information that will serve you, meet the right people, come across 'co-incidental' opporunities and your heartfelt miracle has the possibility to occur. Being open to everything and attached to nothing is essential!

Always remember bout how many things were impossible, until someone did them!

If you too are on a journey to become more conscious of yourself and are keen to learn how you can create miracles in your life, I encourage you to open up to your Inner world behind your eyes as this is where your true power lies!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why I'm NOT Waiting For A CURE!

Have you had a chronic debilitating illness for too many years? Are you managing to suppress the symptoms of that illness while waiting for medical research and pharmaceutical industry to find a cure? And then, make it affordable and accessible to the public?? If you are one of those people then you and I have lots in common!

Its been three decades for me. I've now had enough of just existing. Silently waiting for whats apparently inevitable and predicted for me.

I have started to look at myself and realize I have been a victim, and dependent. Dependent on the trusted information I've been taught about this illness, how to live with it, that it's incurable, that a magic drug or surgery is on the way to ease my suffering. I'm questioning everything because I've had enough of being sick.

I'm willing to consider the possibility that perhaps the information I thought was right is actually wrong, or outdated. That my dietary and lifestyle choices could be much more health supportive. That I've settled for convenience. That what I believe is possible or not for my future could be incorrect.
If we have limiting beliefs of whats possible for us, then our reality will validate that. We look to the outside world to prove to ourselves we are right! So if the belief that the illness we have is incurable, we will always find that we are right!

If we have been taught information from people, organizations, industries that profit from our limited understanding and dependence, why would they want to enlighten us with anything that would actually cure us? Let's face it, they would be losing a valuable customer!

If we look at the statistics of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and arthritis they indicate that we are far from a cure. The number of people suffering and dying keeps going up every year despite the billions of dollars in research.

I don't consider it unfortunate but rather fortunate for me, that the severe symptoms I'm starting to experience are driving me to ask many questions. I'm running out of time and may not have the luxury of 'within the next 10 years'.

I have always believed that if ONE person can heal from the incurable, why can't another? Shouldn't we be doing research on that person who has now healed?

There are many people healing from seemingly impossible situations, we just don't hear of them because a lot of industries would go bankrupt if we all healed overnight.

We are focused so much on the problem that we are unable to see the solution, even if it appeared right before our eyes.

It's obvious that we as a society have been focused on the problem, the disease, the way things DON'T work, how healing is impossible, and from a very skeptical perspective. We focus on a cure when there are irrefutable causes everywhere!

I propose we look at what IS possible, HOW healing can happen, WHAT actions we need to do or not do, to support healing and well being.

We are living in an exciting time in history where the veil of illusions is being slowly lifted. We once believed the world was flat and that smoking was good for us!

There are now many people who have been awakened. Due to all  their suffering they are willing to totally open their minds, question their every belief, and consider a total new view of what health is. Are you willing to be honest with yourself? How your choices contributed to where you are?

Being symptom free is NOT health. Being on 5 medications is NOT health. Suppressing our symptoms is NOT health.

Its denial. And evidence of our denial is putting our lives in the hands of corporations who thrive financially from our denial. Cure is like the carrot that is being dangled in front of a donkey so it keeps moving forward. How much longer are you willing to watch millions of people die?

I believe we all have the power to educate ourselves. Our life IS meant to be good for us. We ARE supposed to trust our body's healing ability!

We can learn from people who are walking the talk and living their lives by example. We can observe what isn't working. All we need is honesty, courage and willingness to just start.

If you too have lived with a long term illness you will know exactly what I'm talking about. But of course, that will depend on how honest you are willing to be with yourself.

We each have a choice to make. How much longer you're willing to delegate the responsibility of the quality of your life is up to you.

I'm embarking on a journey that entails total self responsibility. Any time wasted on blame, skepticism or stubborn identification with illness, could be spent better elsewhere. I intend to feel good, how about you?

Subscribe to my blogs and YouTube channel if this is of interest to you and if you'd like to join with like minded others who are no longer willing to put their lives on hold for a cure, but start taking empowering steps today, towards healing!


Monday, February 2, 2015

Naturopaths Secret Top 3 Remedies For Insomnia

Are you sick and tired of tossing and turning, night after night not being able to fall asleep? Habitual sleeplessness is classified as insomnia. Failure to get an entire nights sleep on most nights over a one month period can be considered chronic insomnia.

Insomnia can take the form of not being able to fall asleep when you go to bed, or waking up during the night and then being unable to fall back asleep. Insomnia isn't actually a disorder but rather a symptom.

Chronic insomnia can be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical issue and the causes must be addressed to get permanent relief.
Insomnia can be due to many reasons stemming from anxiety, depression, caffeine consumption, breathing problems, nutrient deficiencies, indigestion, pain, side effects of certain medications, heart or kidney disease, and the list can go on.

My top three most effective remedies to cure insomnia include:

1. VALERIAN:  this strongly smelling herb is an amazing sedative. Its gentle but powerful. It acts as a nervous system sedative. It feels like a gentle wave coming over your entire body, slowly relaxing your mind also.

I will always the smell of valerian when I was younger because my mum used to give me valerian drops when I was restless and couldn't sleep. Years later when I became a herbalist, valerian became a herb I depended on frequently.

Anyone suffering from insomnia due to anxiety, high blood pressure symptoms, nervousness, stress, spasms, or pain would greatly benefit from a dose before bed.

You can buy valerian in tablets but I love the tincture because you are able to adjust the dose and find exactly whats right for you. Some nights you may require one teaspoon diluted in half a glass water and that will be sufficient to relax you.

Other times, particularly if you have had a stressful day you may need two doses within an hour of going to bed.

Valerian is also great for people who cant sleep due to irritable bowel symptoms because it acts as a bitter digestive which helps heal and soothe the gastrointestinal tract.

Its gentle enough for children and fantastic for anxious, restless dogs too!

2. MAGNESIUM: is an absolutely essential mineral for relaxing the entire musculo skeletal system. People who cant sleep due to spasm, twitches, and pain are prime candidates for a therapeutic dose of magnesium.

Deficiency of magnesium interferes with the transmission of nerve and muscle impulses, causing irritability and nervousness.

This mineral is indicated for people who also have accompanying daytime symptoms of anxiety, depression, irritability, exhaustion, and fatigue.

In my humble opinion I would say that the majority of people today are magnesium deficient and don't know it.

A therapeutic dose is between 300-600mg, anything less than that will be ineffective so check the dose you are taking and make sure you are getting a sufficient amount.

3. WHITE CHESTNUT: this is a Bach flower essence and is considered a vibrational remedy. Many people are familiar with Rescue Remedy, so its in the same field of amazing effectiveness as that.

I always remember White Chestnut as the 'broken record' remedy. Its for people who have busy minds that keep replaying the same issues, problems, conversations, and events in their mind over and over again repeatedly.

Its for the worrying and repetitive mind that just cant stop. When you cant sleep it becomes torturous to have such a busy mind filled with yesterdays and tomorrows to do lists.

White Chestnut helps soothe the mind so you can think rationally and decide that you will sleep now. Its very soothing and calming. Its like you get off that repetitive cycle of thoughts. You become able to elongate the space between those thoughts, enjoy the silence and feel peace in your mind and body.
Four drops under the tongue is considered a dose.

If this is a familiar pattern for you then its probably best to take 2-3 doses in the afternoon in preparation for bedtime.

Insomnia can make many existing health conditions worse so being aware of these remedies can help you take one step toward you relaxing, having a good nights rest and healing. You can also combine all three remedies together or take them throughout the day if you have been struggling with sleep issues chronically.

To get the most beneficial and long term effects always address underlying causes because mind, body and spirit are linked. Wishing you a restful night!

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