Monday, January 26, 2015

An Avocado A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away

Health wise avocados are the perfect food to eat daily if you have diabetes, arthritis, or any other degenerative illness. If you want to prevent illness, eating an avocado a day is your best and most affordable investment! I felt inspired to write this because we have a gorgeous avocado tree growing at the back of our house.

Did you know there are over 500 different type of avocado? Avocados are actually fatty fruits. Did you know that some heavier varieties of avocado need to be left on the ground after they fall for at least one year to allow their true oil content to set in?! Avocados are native to South and Central America and are known as Alligator Pear!

Because avocados are high in fat they are very satisfying and a great daily addition when you are transitioning from cooked or animal protein sources of food, to raw food. Many people struggle reducing or eliminating detrimental foods such as meat and dairy but eating an avocado makes it easier. Avocados are so dense and fulfilling that they satisfy the cravings for foods you know you should be avoiding.

Avocados contain vitamins E for heart and blood vessel health. The vitamin E also prevents aging and increases skin elasticity and softness.

Vitamin C in avocados help boost the immune system and help with any bodily repairs.

Other health benefits include its high good fat content which keeps your appetite suppressed and you feel full for longer. That's also why they are great for anyone wanting to lose weight! Fat content is about 85% and this helps control inflammation in your body too.

The fiber in avocados is also good at helping regulating bowel movements and controlling cholesterol issues.

The high in potassium and chlorophyll in avocados helps buffer acidic bodily wastes and help you maintain a balanced ph.

Its a fantastic daily addition for anyone who has blood glucose issues such as diabetes because avocados are low carbohydrate and high fat. Their energy releases slowly throughout the day so a fantastic choice for every diabetic!

This is a pic I took of the gorgeous avocado tree growing at the back of our house.

I love to add an avocado to my morning green smoothie. It makes everything creamier and I don't feel hungry for hours. Here are some more of my favorite and simple combos:

Avocado with:
  • sliced cucumber with dash of hemp oil and sprinkle of herb salt
  • in a smoothie with cucumber with almond or coconut milk
  • in a salad with tomato, capsicum, soaked almonds and flax seed
  • mashed with crushed garlic, lemon, and herb salt 
Whats your favorite way to add this amazing food to your health regime?? Why not add this affordable super food in your diet every day and keep the doctor away!

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