Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How To Survive The Flu Season

Do you live in fear every flu 'season'? Are you really concerned about going out in public in case someone sneezes in your direction and you'll get the sniffles? This is what we have been lead to believe. I'm asking you to perhaps consider something else..

Maybe you have overdone it with eating the wrong types of foods, have been going through a particularly stressful time, been working long hours, not drinking enough water, too much coffee, over done it with the donuts, or just haven't slept properly?

Could you entertain for just a moment, that perhaps its all these things that could make you more susceptible to 'picking up bugs'?

However, in actuality we never really 'pick up' bugs! We just create the right environment for them to thrive.

Ever noticed how supposedly everyone is getting the flu but there's always that one guy who never has, for several years? His internal environment is supportive to health, so no 'bugs' can find it comfortable to take residence in his body!

The fear that we have been manipulated with, that the 'bug' will get us, has been disproved and is considered a big fat lie to keep people victimized.

Some people's immune system may already be compromised because they already are experiencing other illnesses that strain their immune system. So that could make them more susceptible because their internal environment is already not conducive to health. Iv had type 1 diabetes for many decades and I do take this into account. But that means for me, that I have to take care of my body even more during times that I feel unwell.

Do you find this more empowering? That, YOU create the internal environment by the foods you choose to eat, what you drink or don't drink, the thoughts and beliefs you have, and the continual destructive habits you continue to do because its just convenient. You know the ones i mean! (I have them too!). We are too busy to take responsibility for what our body is asking us to do. Everything else takes priority.

When you're starting to feel run down its your body's signs letting you know to slow down, rest, take it easy, put your needs first!

Just imagining in our mind that a bug is out to get us creates that reality! Do you act surprised when you get thru a flu season unscathed?

The emotion of fear itself creates an environment where sickness is expected, and so your body wont disappoint you if that's what your mind is believing.

Why not believe for a change, that the moment you start feeling run down, you will actually slow down and listen to your body. Give it nourishing food and rest. It will reward you with an internal environment that isn't welcome to bugs. Let's take away the fear and take responsibility.

Last time I 'caught a bug' was when i just had gone through several huge changes in my life and work. I had gotten so caught up with what i considered a normal pace, that when i finally crashed it actually was a relief. I caught myself thinking that this bug now gave me official reason to stop. I know I created the welcome sign for that bug!

I believe its much more empowering to say ok, i can see how i created this. Its from this point you can take charge of your choices, and make better ones geared toward health and healing!

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