Saturday, January 31, 2015

Gifts From A Narcissist

Do you ever wonder if there is any value of enduring a toxic relationship with a narcissist? I believe there is a gift for us in every situation. Suffering can enlighten us tremendously and speed up our evolution.

How you may ask? It may be challenging but I ask you to read on and ponder over the typical narcissistic scenarios.

Key to dealing with a narcissist is being true to ourselves. For those of us who have lived closely with a narcissist  we have had to be false to ourselves.

We learned early on in childhood that it was not safe to feel or express our emotions, or even to think our own thoughts. We never got a chance to develop a real sense of self.

The narcissist was so controlling and dominant that deep inside we feel inadequate and worthless. We were robbed of vital opportunities to develop our unique and creative gifts.

We had to put aside our talents and dreams to spend excessive amounts of time and energy on validating the narcissist importance and view of  reality.

People who have lived with a narcissist are trapped in the role of the obedient child. We feel uncomfortable activating our individuality, being assertive or showing initiative because the narcissist was always right, we were always wrong, and they knew everything. So we retreated into resentful silence.

Ultimately we must ask ourselves how far down we are willing to travel with a narcissist in our lives.  Relationships with a narcissist tend to always end badly. But sometimes we must sacrifice losing their presence in our life so we can truly live our own.

After enduing years of emotional abandonment, chronic deception, mind games, degradation, dominance and psychological coldness we have experienced a painful contrast. We now know EXACTLY what we don't want, and won't allow anymore!

This takes courage and self confidence. It also takes respect for yourself and your needs.

The gift of the narcissist is an invitation for us to become more authentic, to truly know ourselves, and to seek spiritual awareness.

We need to stand firm, remain psychologically grounded, be calm and unshakable throughout any of their dramatic emotional explosions.

Because they expect an emotional reaction from us, for us to endure the roller coaster ride psychologically intact, we have to develop mindfulness. Mindfulness is a fantastic skill for everybody but for those dealing with a narcissist, mindfulness becomes a necessary survival skill.

When you've lived a life under the shadow of someone that dominant, you yearn to find peace in a reality that is without delusion. Things become very clear for you. You develop an intolerance for deception of any kind.

The narcissist drives you to seek the truth, to peel of your masks of all the false selves you had to wear for them, and to embrace the loving force that you've always known existed deep in your heart.

Iv learnt that following a spiritual path nurtures my empathetic qualities and this is of utmost importance to me now.

After years of my kindheartedness and empathy being manipulated I've learnt to have compassion for myself and to forgive myself. I have developed an acute sense of knowing what relationships are empowering for me, and which ones I need to end immediately.

Also, after years of submission I now have a strong and unwavering voice. I have deep love and sensitivity toward others. My intuition and sense of 'knowingness' is steadfast.

By now caring for myself and treating myself like I'm important, I work on acknowledging that my gifts are unique and valuable to the world.

The narcissist in my life sped up my spiritual evolution and awareness. I have the choice to be grateful for that or I have the choice to continue seeing myself as a victim of a narcissist.

Once we can accept that the only person we can change is ourselves, we connect to a tremendous power and freedom. Learning to love ourselves is where everything starts!

For further information ...
How to identify the narcissist in your life...

My insightful video with empowering tips...
 5 Essential Tips: How To Heal From Narcissistic Relationships

Diabetics Found To Be Deficient In These 2 Essential Nutrients!

Diabetes, whether its type 1 (insulin dependent) or type 2 (non insulin dependent) puts a great strain on the body. The fluctuations of blood glucose levels impact many organs and systems which have to work much harder to try and adjust to the extremes that we sometimes swing between.

Nutritional deficiencies are prevalent in people with diabetes because the body has a higher need for  nutrients to help repair the damage from the excessive blood glucose variations. Deficiencies are also often initiated by changes in diet or medications.

It is a known fact that diabetics also have higher nutrient losses in their urine. 

I will just mention my top two because their deficiencies have significant implications on the diabetic persons ability to maintain balance and have consistent energy.

Chromium picolinate:
  • also known as GTF (glucose tolerance factor) 
  • is involved in glucose metabolism and needed for energy
  • reduces insulin resistance
  • reduces sugar and carbohydrate cravings, so fantastic for diabetics who need to lose weight
  • helps control blood cholesterol
  • promotes loss of fat and increase in muscle tissue
  • improves insulin efficiency, which helps lower blood sugar levels
  • supplementation can help expectant mothers maintain healthy blood sugar levels during pregnancy 
  • studies have shown that low plasma chromium levels can be an indication for coronary artery disease so essential for diabetics who also have cholesterol issues
  • people who consume higher amounts of carbohydrates have higher chromium requirements (eating lots of sugar and carbohydrates causes chromium deficiency)

  • deficiency of zinc is associated with diabetes
  • is involved in over 300 reactions in the body
  • promotes the strength of the immune system
  • reduces hyperglycemia
  • zinc is highly concentrated in the beta cells of the pancreas
  • improves wound healing so fantastic for diabetics who have slow healing ulcers, slow recovery or poor immunity
  • deficiency can result in the loss of senses of taste and smell
  • deficiency can cause fingernails to thin, peel, and develop white spots 
  • other deficiency signs may include hair loss, high cholesterol levels, increased susceptibility to infections, memory impairment, recurrent colds and flu, dry and itchy skin, and skin lesions

I'm grateful that I have been able to witness these deficiencies in myself and others, and see the the tremendous results that occurred with supplementation. Unfortunately our western diet is mainly refined, and the soil that food is grown in is deficient. 

Often times people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes require supplementation to restore their bodies back to balance. Once symptoms have disappeared then it can be possible to perhaps maintain with a nutrient dense diet. But to get relief quickly, supplementation is essential. 

Just these two essential nutrients can make a significant difference in enabling the diabetic to maintain a better quality of life, and help prevent long term complications. 

The longer you have had diabetes for, the more depleted your body will be so you will be showing more signs of deficiency. This is undeniable. I have lived with this condition for 30 years so I speak from personal experience.

In many instances debilitating symptoms don't have to be endured and can miraculously heal with even short term supplementation.

If you know someone who is diabetic, or you are yourself, please share the information about these two essential nutrients that they most likely are deficient in.

If you would like to receive further information about how to maintain health, balance and heal more effectively please subscribe either to Journey Thru Wellness YouTube channel. Stay tuned to lots of exciting new videos related to reaching your health potential here!

Or subscribe and get the latest updates by sending your email on the Contact Us page..

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What Is The Mind Body Connection?

Have you heard of the mind body connection and wondered what it actually means? And why is it important to look at if you are healing or wanting to create a better life for yourself? Would you agree that your physical body is strongly affected by your state of mind, or emotions?

The mind body connection is basically looking at how our thoughts create a biochemical reaction that shows up as a physical reaction. Have you ever gotten a stomach ache because you were stressed about going to the dentist, or worried about the result of a health check? That is evidence that our thoughts and emotions have a powerful effect on our physical body.

Most people unfortunately are not yet ready to accept fully that their thoughts are actually creating health or disease. But whether you are ready to take full responsibility for yourself or not, the connection between illness and stress in undeniable.

Take for example the common emotional of denial. It generates a lot of stress and is very destructive to the human body. When we are feeling denial we resist facing something.

Whether someone is ready to take responsibility for what they are thinking or choose to blame something external, their body is already producing stress hormones which create the right environment to create disease.

Emotions such as blame, skepticism are all based on fear. Fear is a very dis-empowering emotion that is not associated with health either.

People who become ill tend to have disempowering belief patterns. These subtle disempowering patterns, tend to override the influence of whatever positive attitude they may appear to have. Have you ever met someone who says really positive things but you feel like you don't believe them? Or they are trying to convey their message to you in an attempt to convince themselves?

I think we are in a society that mainly lives in denial. We are in fear of waking up and facing the truth of what we are thinking, what we are eating, and what we are doing because we are afraid that we will have to make drastic lifestyle choices. We are comfortable in our denied discomfort.

The majority of physical illnesses are a result from an overload of suppressed, repressed, unacknowledged emotional, psychological and spiritual crises.

The mind body connection is an empowering concept that enables us to look at how we are able to help ourselves. Becoming aware of what thoughts and beliefs we keep repeating all day, all year, for years IS creating our reality.

Being aware of the connection between your mind and body is unavoidable if you want to create health. Healing requires total honesty, acceptance and self responsibility. It all starts within us.

Begin your journey by starting to ask yourself what do you believe is possible for you? Is this belief empowering you or dis-empowering you? Your mind will help your body create whatever you believe to be true!

Monday, January 26, 2015

An Avocado A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away

Health wise avocados are the perfect food to eat daily if you have diabetes, arthritis, or any other degenerative illness. If you want to prevent illness, eating an avocado a day is your best and most affordable investment! I felt inspired to write this because we have a gorgeous avocado tree growing at the back of our house.

Did you know there are over 500 different type of avocado? Avocados are actually fatty fruits. Did you know that some heavier varieties of avocado need to be left on the ground after they fall for at least one year to allow their true oil content to set in?! Avocados are native to South and Central America and are known as Alligator Pear!

Because avocados are high in fat they are very satisfying and a great daily addition when you are transitioning from cooked or animal protein sources of food, to raw food. Many people struggle reducing or eliminating detrimental foods such as meat and dairy but eating an avocado makes it easier. Avocados are so dense and fulfilling that they satisfy the cravings for foods you know you should be avoiding.

Avocados contain vitamins E for heart and blood vessel health. The vitamin E also prevents aging and increases skin elasticity and softness.

Vitamin C in avocados help boost the immune system and help with any bodily repairs.

Other health benefits include its high good fat content which keeps your appetite suppressed and you feel full for longer. That's also why they are great for anyone wanting to lose weight! Fat content is about 85% and this helps control inflammation in your body too.

The fiber in avocados is also good at helping regulating bowel movements and controlling cholesterol issues.

The high in potassium and chlorophyll in avocados helps buffer acidic bodily wastes and help you maintain a balanced ph.

Its a fantastic daily addition for anyone who has blood glucose issues such as diabetes because avocados are low carbohydrate and high fat. Their energy releases slowly throughout the day so a fantastic choice for every diabetic!

This is a pic I took of the gorgeous avocado tree growing at the back of our house.

I love to add an avocado to my morning green smoothie. It makes everything creamier and I don't feel hungry for hours. Here are some more of my favorite and simple combos:

Avocado with:
  • sliced cucumber with dash of hemp oil and sprinkle of herb salt
  • in a smoothie with cucumber with almond or coconut milk
  • in a salad with tomato, capsicum, soaked almonds and flax seed
  • mashed with crushed garlic, lemon, and herb salt 
Whats your favorite way to add this amazing food to your health regime?? Why not add this affordable super food in your diet every day and keep the doctor away!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Why We Need Inspiration, Not Motivation

I propose that understanding the difference between motivation and inspiration can totally transform your life and bring about tremendous ease. How exactly, you may ask?

Well, consider how many times did you have to motivate your self to do something? I sure know the many times in my life I was motivating myself to do something like lose weight before that wedding, go the the gym, fit into those jeans I used to wear when I was 21, stop eating donuts, start eating more salad, and the tortuous resistant list goes on.

So what is the difference between motivation and inspiration? And why should I pay attention to where I'm functioning from?

Motivation is driven by our ego. There's a determination that's driven by goals and overcoming obstacles. We are stressing, forcing, making things happen on our time, it feels hard. There's a strict formula to follow. Competing and proving to others that we can. 

Motivation has a destination to reach. When we are motivated we demonstrate drive and ambition. We motivate ourselves to do an activity, take action to "make" our goal happen. That activity feels hard and that is why we call it motivating ourselves. 

When we honestly look at what motivation is, its actually us forcing ourselves to take action out of fear. We lack faith that things will turn out favorably for us. Motivation usually comes from an external source. This really is doing it the hard way!

Whereas, Inspiration comes from the inside.

Inspiration, is as if an idea, a feeling, an insistent knowing has taken over us. Inspired action feels wonderful! 

The word inspiration itself gives us a clue as to where that powerful urge to create comes from.. 'in' ..'spirit'.. It comes from Spirit, the un manifest and invisible reality from which all physical life originates. 

When we are inspired we may do things that may make no logical sense to others. We are just following a deep sense of knowing that's beyond our logical, and calculating ego mind. Being inspired is a direction we feel somehow guided to take. There's a sense of alignment to something greater than just ourselves. Its a surrendering to our hearts calling. 

Time seems to stand still. During a moment of inspiration we trust and suspend our identification to ego and that it may not know whats best for us. There is no doubt or fear but rather a total assurance that everything is perfect. 

When we live our lives from inspiration our example moves others to live their life to the fullest also. Words can only teach so much. However, its through our actions that we demonstrate and empower others to walk their truth.

One example I often think of is when I had a crazy persistent idea that I had since I was a little girl. And that was that I wanted to work with dogs, specifically beagles. 

At the time I was a successful practitioner and I thought I was fulfilled. But deep inside, my heart was saying something else. It was a crazy idea. 

After pushing it aside for years as a ridiculous idea I began feeling it in my heart and just imagining what my daily life would look like. The more I thought about it, the more there began to be a sense of familiarity. 

I saw beagles and pictures of beagles everywhere! They appeared every where I went, and I felt such overwhelming joy when I saw one that it was just too much to ignore. 

When a beagle puppy came into my life temporarily, its like a space in my heart had opened that I never knew existed. The idea then started becoming reality. And I had concreted it in my head and heart.

I had to take a leap of faith, leave my established career and start my own dog walking business specializing in beagles. It was scary but the joy and certainty I felt was unlike anything I'd felt before. 

In total faith I quit my career and followed my heart. Coincidentally, I met the most supportive and amazing people, and their beautiful dogs! The relationships I formed and the wonderful memories I have are priceless. 

It wasn't about money but rather about quality of life. I trusted that all would be provided for me somehow. And it was. Doors miraculously opened and my business became more successful than I thought it would be. This is something I will never regret.

Have you experienced times like this? When everything just seemed to flow easily in support of your supposedly crazy idea? Do you hear conversations related to your inspired idea? Meet people who successfully are are doing what you would love to do? Miraculously just have enough money to take that workshop or buy that book that's related to your dream? This is living from inspiration. This is living your truth from an open and trusting heart.

When we are inspired to follow our inner calling its like we entrust ourselves to something even greater than our physical life. We feel a deep connection that's beyond what the ego can comprehend.

We are not focusing on the end result as such, but rather the process that we feel empowered to take. We are not "making" things happen but rather allowing things to happen. 

The more often that that we connect to Spirit, our Higher Self and follow our heart, the more we cease to be driven by the ego demands from others or ourselves.

When we are following Inner Guidance we also start seeing more synchronicity and coincidences occur frequently.

There's a greater sense of joy, ease, wonder and amazement. When you feel totally aligned like that, everything appears before you magically, the right people, money, opportunities, doors open that you couldn't see before. It becomes easier to believe in miracles. 

And because you are allowing and flowing with ease toward your life purpose or intention, you begin living your life more on purpose. 

Connecting with the feeling of inspiration we tap into an infinite supply of knowledge, resources, and energy. That's why when we are inspired we  are able to spend a ridiculous amount of time doing something and not feel tired! Inspiration gives us unlimited power.

Have you noticed when you are doing something you love, you can stay up for hours, not need sleep, forget about eating, and still feel absolutely alive? Connecting to what inspires us nourishes our soul. 

When motivated we have a destination to reach. However when we are in-spirit, or feel inspired, its a direction we choose to take and enjoy every moment of our journey. Even though we may not even know where that journey is taking us, we instinctively trust that our heart is leading us to exactly where we are meant to be in each given moment.

Life does become easier when we are living it from a place of inspiration. Motivation can be tiring, judgmental and competitive. Actually those very words describe when we are living from the ego.
Do you remember how you felt when everything in life was easily falling into place for you? This IS how life is meant to be for all of us. It is in this state that we live fully. 

I've been questioning everything I was taught to believe and I'm starting to observe the very opposite of what I thought 'normal' was. What if there IS enough love, time, opportunities for everyone?

I choose to believe that we live in an abundant universe. And I've noticed that the more I trust that I don't need to motivate myself but rather trust the process, patiently wait til I feel inspired to take action then everything unfolds exactly as its meant to be. I believe that we need more inspiration in this world because living our lives from this space is the recipe for instant peace, joy, and a life of purpose. Try it for yourself!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Are Plastics Making Us Fat??

Have you been on every diet, exercised til you drop, done juicing, fasting and still you struggle to lose weight? Consider these shocking facts experts agree on but the public seems to be too slow to recognize.

This is the issue of our exposure to plastics and their toxic effects on the human body. Most people neglect to look at the cumulative cause that toxins may have on their inability to lose weight.

I will just be discussing one of the many significant toxins impacting our health in this blog.

What most people struggle to understand is that toxins are stored in fat. This is how your body protects the vital organs. In reality, your fat may actually be protecting you from the dangers of toxins. I just want to ask you for a moment to change your perspective on 'fat'.

We are exposed to more and more toxins in our environment, food, water and air. So what about plastics you ask? Where are they? Lets start with the plastic containers we store food in, the plastic wrappers most of our food is stored in (bread, chips, health food bars, etc), the plastic wrapping we wrap our food in, plastic cutlery, and this is just a start. Basically plastics are everywhere.

Take for example Bisphenol A. Also known as BPA, it copies the effect of the female hormone estrogen. This excess estrogen is stored in fat, and then this stimulates more estrogen to be made by the fat! So you enter a viscous cycle where weight loss seems impossible. This can be described as Estrogen Dominance Syndrome. 

BPA seriously messes up the proper function of your whole metabolism. Estrogen dominance is a greater contributor to obesity than most people realize.

When most people think of what estrogen does in pregnancy they associate it with growth. And that's exactly what it does, it encourages growth.

In addition to its link to obesity, it has also been found to increase rates of cancers, miscarriage, infertility, heart disease, diabetes, hyperactivity, and early onset puberty.

Bis-phenol A (BPA) is called an endocrine disruptor. This means it disrupts the functions of your endocrine, also known as your HORMONAL system. 

BPA can be found in reusable (polycarbonate #7 plastic) food and drink containers, the lining of canned food and drinks, and on the ink used for printing receipts.

In 2009 a Harvard study revealed that people who drank cold drinks from plastic bottles had a 70% increase in urinary levels of BPA within just one week!

Heat, repeated washing with dish washing liquid, and any contact with chlorinated water will increase the rate of BPA leaching.

The issue with plastics is that they also contain a wide range of further toxic additives that are able to give them properties such as hardness, transparency, heat resistance and flexibility. This is not evidenced by the recycling number tho!

Some tips to reduce your exposure:
  •  Never microwave or heat plastic containers. Store food in glass containers as BPA will 'leach' into the food you’re eating.
  • Choose companies that specifically say their cans are BPA free
  • Wash your hands after handling receipts or choose not to get one printed when you are at the register in the supermarket!
  • Only drink from bottles that are labelled BPA free
  • Focus more on foods in your diet that assist with detoxification rather than weight loss

The issue isn’t IF chemicals will leach from the packaging, but HOW much! 

I believe we need to change our perspective form wanting to lose weight, and focusing instead on reducing our expose to these toxins and helping the body eliminate them. This is one of the real causes contributing to weight gain.

Take note of how many plastics you are exposed to today and be aware that for their convenience we may be paying a high price.

Understanding Children With Diabetes

Did you know what the fastest growing illness among children in the world is? Diabetes. Growing up as a child with type 1 diabetes was challenging to say the least. I want to share my perspective from a child's eyes, to help parents and caretakers understand what it was like.

I remember getting really ill when I was in grade 4. I got very thirsty, had lost alot of weight suddenly, and experienced unexplainable tiredness. My mum knew something was not right but I refused to go to get medical attention.

Until one unsuspecting morning I just couldn't go on anymore and was unable to get out of bed. 
This time, despite my protests, mum rushed me to the childrens hospital.

I was quickly attended to and assessed because at that stage I was slipping into unconsciousness. After doing some blood work they concluded that I had type 1 diabetes. I was quickly put on insulin and a drip to hydrate my thin body. I was told my pancreas could no longer make insulin on its own and I would have to take insulin injections for the rest of my life to stay alive.

I remember my parents being very scared and overwhelmed. Overhearing my grandma saying I would die, I now knew it must be serious.

Shortly thereafter the endless appointments began. I went to the dietician, the counselor, the endocrinologist, the eye specialist, my local GP, the diabetes educator, and had to be in touch with the pharmacist too.

From the moment I was diagnosed every bit of food and drink had to be calculated. To survive this, I had to learn the content of carbohydrate in every food. I had to write down everything I ate and when I ate it. I had to chart and graph every insulin dose and time.

Blood and kidney tests had to be done every 3 months. And every 3 hours I had to prick my fingers and see if my blood sugar level was within an acceptable range. My urine had to be tested for ketones at home too. Insulin injections were regularly in my stomach, thighs, and upper arms every few hours.

Back in the 80's the needles were very thick, seemed more like nails so I frequently had many visible bruises, which embarrassed me.
Exercise also had to be recorded and monitored strictly. I had to document when and at what intensity.

In addition to all of this, any stress such as getting the sniffles, not feeling good about myself, feeling anxious because I couldn't eat at a party, my parents having an argument, seeing my mum unwell or worried, or simply just getting sunburn, all had effect on my blood sugar levels.

The  majority of the time I felt my little body was just utterly exhausted.  My head hurt with confusion from all the information, the control and just not knowing what my body was doing. All I wanted to do is be like everyone else, playing, eating, swimming, having fun. All the simple things in childhood were now so much more challenging.

I knew this was very difficult on my parents. From this very young age, I felt guilt and that I was nothing but a burden.

My best friends were now my insulin bottles, my needles, glucometer and lollies which I carried everywhere.  I lived in constant fear of my sugars dropping. Or going up too high. I was just 10 years old.

I had to grow up quickly, learn so much at such a young age. Iv never quite been able to rest and just not think about whats going on with my body.

Its been an exhausting journey, not just physically but mentally. Every moment of my existence must be calculated.

There are however many good things that I choose to take from this. There are also many things I wished I learnt many years earlier.

I truly believe that having the proper information is essential for easing so much unnecessary suffering.

If you are a parent to a child that is diabetic or if you are a caretaker I hope this heartfelt expression has given you some insight to what its is like for this child.

I intend to share with you some of the most significant things that eased my life, so they can ease your child's. Stay tuned, there's much more from diet, to proper supplements, to food choices I beleived were 'healthy' but weren't...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

How To Identify The Narcissist In Your Life

Identifying the narcissist in my life has been a life long journey. I have spent 20 years living with one and then another 20 years trying to figure out if I'm the one who's crazy and delusional. I know many HSP can relate to this situation!

I was manipulated by guilt and my self worth was shot. I didn't have the self confidence to believe that everything I saw, heard and witnessed was horribly wrong. I was bullied into a lifelong silence.

The NPD Narcissistic Personality Disorder is very complex and can be difficult to identify.
There are many shades to NPD. Someone with this personality disorder can also be Borderline (BPD), or have histrionic tendencies.

Highly Sensitive People and empaths are easy targets for narcissists because of our natural tendencies to be forgiving, highly empathetic, and extremely caring human beings.

Narcissists often use our empathy against us. We can spend many years in a state of confusion, humiliation, and low self worth.

We often remain in these relationships simply because we don't realize they are not 'normal'.

Its particularly imporant for HSP to identify the narcissist in their life, so they can prevent suffering for years. Wondering whats wrong with their lives, when their source of toxicity is busy denying, diverting, and minimizing the abuse that we endure.

Once you can identify it, hopefully your self esteem will be good enough for you to make a healthy choice for yourself. These traits can vary in intensity and frequency, of course.

Here is a long list of traits:

-Over inflated sense of self, massive ego, create the illusion that they are superior
-Self centered and self absorbed, vain, attention seeking
-Always preoccupied with the impression they are making
-All interactions with others are shallow, incapable of a deep connection
-Overly confident, no shame, arrogant and impulsive
-Plays games, feels is superior and one step ahead of everyone
-Are very charming and charismatic
-Chronically deceptive, are expert liars and will tell you anything to have their way
-Name drop, seek to impress constantly
-Appear to be extremely generous in public, but go stone cold behind closed doors (Jekyll n Hyde)
-Brag about how special they are, how perfect their family, their child, their job, their...
-Totally believe they are exceptionally smart and extremely sexy
-View their victims as stupid, put down others they consider weak and inferior ie. racist, uneducated, not 'cultured'
-Have total disregard for anyone's needs but their own and are inconsiderate of your time and energy
-Constant need for admiration, adulation and applause
-Refuse to seek help because they know it all, are smarter than anyone else
-Are often physically and emotional abusive
-Talk incessantly about themselves, don't stop to ask a question of others
-Lack empathy and view empathy as a weakness that only others have and consider others as beneath them
-Aren't able to be introspective, lack an inner life
-Deny responsibility, prefer to blame, play the victim if questioned
-Are unable to trust the world and others around them, are very skeptical, fearful
-Pretend to care ie. pseudo empathy
-Have endless convoluted conversations, try to confuse you until you feel you're crazy
-Talk incessantly about themselves, their achievements, their viewpoints, their successes, their beliefs
-Seek out only people who maintain  and enhance their image
-Quickly dispose of people they no longer have use for and treat people like possessions that belong to them
-Have total disregard for authority
-Prone to severe mood swings, anxiety, depression, paranoia
-Are very abrupt at changing from being decent to emotionally abusive, very inconsistent, explosive
-Will do anything to protect their image and reputation
-Make outrageous demands, will manipulate, blackmail and threaten
-Can never be satisfied
-Believe they are smarter, better, more intelligent, more beautiful than anyone else
-Have total disrespect and unawareness of other peoples boundaries
-Good at maintaining superficial associations with people, small talk
-Create the illusion that they are listening, that they care or are a "good person"
-Blind to their own deceptions and cruelty
-Prefer to be surrounded by others who 'worship' and believe them
-Choose partners that are emotionally, physically and financially dependent on them so they can then totally control them.
-Any independent thinking is forbidden if you are in a relationship with them
-Enjoy drama and will fabricate and exaggerate events to invoke an emotional response
-Expect special treatment and recognition, the world owes them

Greater awareness and learning to be observant of these displays of behavior gives us freedom and the ability to be less emotionally reactive.

Relationships with narcissists provoke constant anxiety and are extremely depleting, in many ways.

They erode our self confidence and in their course of devaluation, they stoop to low tactics such as shaming, lying, ostracism and innuendo.

The best thing to do is to distance yourself. If you must have contact make sure its only brief. And keep conversation to a bare minimum. Provide no details of your life because any information will be used against you (at a later date!)

Iv written about this subject not because I want to give it too much emphasis. Its already taken too many years of my life. I now choose to completely focus on my needs, what makes me happy, and that I am deserving of good in my life.

I wrote this to help shed light on this toxic relationship dynamic that HSP often find themselves enmeshed in. 

HSP can spend a lifetime trying to please them, help them, or change them. Only to realize that their whole relationship was based on lies.

All you can do is distance yourself, preserve the little self worth they allowed you to have, and start rebuilding your self esteem.

Start practicing the unfamiliar belief that your decisions, feelings, goals, and opinions are of value. You don't need their approval, which they will always withhold to control you.

Begin to surround yourself with people who recognize you, your needs, your ability to deeply empathize, and value you.

Watch Top 20 Ways How HSP Can Recognize Narcissists HERE

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Can We Really Change The World?

Would you agree that progress is impossible if we always do things like we've done them? We keep expecting the world to change, pointing the finger as how things aren't right, and it is out there! I think we can all relate to doing this at one stage or another.

But the world will change one person at a time. Beginning with each of us, as individuals!

To change ourselves effectively however, we first have to change our own perceptions and beleifs.

Are you familiar with the concept of a paradigm shift? The word 'paradigm' comes from the Greek language. It is used today to mean perception, theory, frame of reference or assumption. Basically, how we understand and interpret our reality.

Unfortunately, we rarely question whether what we are perceiving is accurate. We simply assume that the way we see the world is the way it really is, or the way it should be. We assume that we are objective.

Do you believe that two people can  see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right? Take a look at this picture? What do you see? A young woman? An old woman? Whichever you saw, you're right!

This illustrates how we can spend an entire lifetime arguing our point of perception. Clearly a waste of time. Or, we can invest that time in choosing peace rather than being right. Focus on changing ourselves, and opening our minds to anothers perspective. It all starts within us!

The more that we become aware of our own paradigms or perceptions, and the extent to which they influence our experience of life, the more we will be able to take responsibility.

We will also start to get a bigger view of the world and a much more objective one. We will be more willing to listen to another persons perception that may not be like our own. Being flexible is key to any change.

Every significant breakthrough, whether it was in medicine, science, spirituality, or geography, had to first break with tradition.

For example when Copernicus first declared that the earth revolved around the sun. He faced a lot of resistance and ridicule from the majority of people at the time who refused to question their beliefs and assumptions. Copernicus created a total paradigm shift!

Paradigm shifts move us from one way of seeing the world to another. And those shifts create powerul change, and opportunity for evolution.

Most people experience a paradigm shift when they are faced with a life threatening illness, go thru a painful divorce, or lose a loved for example. Everything changes in an instant. What they thought was reality or what was important suddenly changes. They see their priorities in a different light.

I definitely experinced this paradigm shift when my mum recently passed. I became aware of what I was no longer going to do, i suddenly found motivation to do things that i had put on hold, and I realized what i had to get rid of to live my life more fully. It has been quite empowering.

I beleive we are now living in a time in history where paradigms shifts are occuring. For example, in sprituality and medicine. Things just arent working like they used to. People are questioning their old ways of doing things because they are just not effective any longer.

I propose we must take a leap of faith for us to evolve, both personally and globally.

Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same things over and over but expecting a different result? Always remember that things always seemed impossible before someone did them!

Why wait for something drastic to happen in your life? Be honest and listen to what your heart is whispering.

What are the areas of your life that you are questioning? That aren't working for you anymore? What do you know would bring you more joy and fulfillment? Are you facing your own paradigm shift?

You can change the world, beginning with your personal world. Start living your truth, and the world will be inspired by your example. BE the change you want to see!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How To Survive The Flu Season

Do you live in fear every flu 'season'? Are you really concerned about going out in public in case someone sneezes in your direction and you'll get the sniffles? This is what we have been lead to believe. I'm asking you to perhaps consider something else..

Maybe you have overdone it with eating the wrong types of foods, have been going through a particularly stressful time, been working long hours, not drinking enough water, too much coffee, over done it with the donuts, or just haven't slept properly?

Could you entertain for just a moment, that perhaps its all these things that could make you more susceptible to 'picking up bugs'?

However, in actuality we never really 'pick up' bugs! We just create the right environment for them to thrive.

Ever noticed how supposedly everyone is getting the flu but there's always that one guy who never has, for several years? His internal environment is supportive to health, so no 'bugs' can find it comfortable to take residence in his body!

The fear that we have been manipulated with, that the 'bug' will get us, has been disproved and is considered a big fat lie to keep people victimized.

Some people's immune system may already be compromised because they already are experiencing other illnesses that strain their immune system. So that could make them more susceptible because their internal environment is already not conducive to health. Iv had type 1 diabetes for many decades and I do take this into account. But that means for me, that I have to take care of my body even more during times that I feel unwell.

Do you find this more empowering? That, YOU create the internal environment by the foods you choose to eat, what you drink or don't drink, the thoughts and beliefs you have, and the continual destructive habits you continue to do because its just convenient. You know the ones i mean! (I have them too!). We are too busy to take responsibility for what our body is asking us to do. Everything else takes priority.

When you're starting to feel run down its your body's signs letting you know to slow down, rest, take it easy, put your needs first!

Just imagining in our mind that a bug is out to get us creates that reality! Do you act surprised when you get thru a flu season unscathed?

The emotion of fear itself creates an environment where sickness is expected, and so your body wont disappoint you if that's what your mind is believing.

Why not believe for a change, that the moment you start feeling run down, you will actually slow down and listen to your body. Give it nourishing food and rest. It will reward you with an internal environment that isn't welcome to bugs. Let's take away the fear and take responsibility.

Last time I 'caught a bug' was when i just had gone through several huge changes in my life and work. I had gotten so caught up with what i considered a normal pace, that when i finally crashed it actually was a relief. I caught myself thinking that this bug now gave me official reason to stop. I know I created the welcome sign for that bug!

I believe its much more empowering to say ok, i can see how i created this. Its from this point you can take charge of your choices, and make better ones geared toward health and healing!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Boost Your Immune System With A Super Juice

This is a fantastic juice to nourish your body with when you are feeling a bit run down. You know those times when you feel like a cold or flu is approaching.

Raw juices are great because they are easily absorbed and digested. Its so much easier to drink a juice than to chew your way thru large amount of fibrous raw vegetables, espeicially if you are already feeling tired and disinterested in food.

In juice form, the healing nurients in food are brought directly to the cells on the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and are effortlessly absorbed.

Juices are also unique because they allow the stomach to receive very concentrated amounts of plant nutrients that just couldn't be obtained by eating a normal amount of vegetables. Can you imagine eating a few carrots, beetroots, apples, garlic, onion? Or juicing them?

Raw vegetable juices stimulate the function of the bowels, liver, and kidneys which are organs of elimination. When these organs are supported, they increases their ability to break down and eliminate toxic byproducts and acidic waste from the body. Thus speeding healing and optimal functioning of the immune system.

At the first instance you recognize yourself feeling run down, make yourself this fabulous green vegetable juice, put your feet up, and affirm "All is well. Every cell in my body radiates perfect health "

4 sticks celery (high in alkaline mineral salts)
1 ripe tomato (great liver and bile cleanser, help reduce infections)
1 pear  (reduce acidity, improve digestion, ease constipation)
half medium beetroot  (is an excellent blood tonic and stimulates the bowel to eliminate waste)
1 carrot  (are high in beta carotene which strengthens mucous membranes)
4 dandelion or cabbage leaves  (both contain sulphur, are high in minerals, and support liver)
half centimetre ginger root (has antibiotic properties, reduces congestion and mucous)
1 clove garlic (dispels parasites, fights infection)
half red onion  (helps break down a thick mucous)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Why We Need Education, Not Medication!

Deaths from properly prescribed medications have been rising steadily over the past 20 years and have become the leading cause of death in the US.  Drugs prescribed for depression and pain are responsible for more overdose deaths (45%) than cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines combined (39%). Deaths from properly prescribed medications now outnumber traffic fatalities. Studies revealing an astounding number of oncologists who wouldn't take their own treatment for cancer. Also consider, how many artificial additions to our food and water are now classified as drugs?

Whats wrong with this picture? What will it take for the public to take notice of what this represents?

We don't need more medication or another promise of a cure by a magic pill. We need proper education, of how our bodies work, what our body needs to sustain health, and how to keep balance.

We seem to have been programmed to believe that our bodies should just keep going despite pain, utter exhaustion, and illness. We shouldn't trust our body. All we need is to take a pill, get vaccinated, get over our hump and continue with society's acceptable hectic pace.

If that doesn't work we can always go back to our doctor and get more invasive tests that lead to more inconclusive results and another prescription for a new drug for us to trial. Sound like a familiar cycle? I have personally heard hundreds of these stories when i was in practice. I was one of those people too.

For a while it had been my job as a holistic consultant in pharmacies, to wean people off medication, reduce their dose or make complementary suggestions. That was very challenging. The lack of information people had was astounding.

I felt such compassion, they were fighting an impossible battle. My lists of inconvenient information, lifestyle change suggestions were competing with just one magic pill that could ease all their suffering immediately.

But those who had been taking that one pill, or 5 pills, for too many years were ready to consider they could no longer put up with the side effects of that convenience.

I wondered how many people get their education about what is needed to stay healthy from the media? magazines? from our doctors, whose education about nutrition is approximately just 2 weeks out of their 5 year degree? The nonsense information that I even considered fact caused me to suffer for too many years also.

I propose we take the time to invest in learning how to care for this magnificent vehicle we have been given. But who can we learn from? Who can we trust to give us the correct information?

How bout people who walk their talk? People who are vibrant, energetic, optimistic, and inspiring by their own example?

I'm convinced words don't teach. Actions do. Silent non interference speaks louder than words. I want to learn from people who are getting results who radiate well being, joy, trust and fulfillment in their lives.

I have joined a growing number of people who are not convinced by the ads and recommendations of a doctor. A doctor who is trained by pharmaceutical industry to sell me a drug whose research has been manipulated so shareholders can profit from my ignorance and ongoing suppressed suffering.

I believe that with all the information we now have access to, ignorance is a choice. That might sound harsh but honestly, at the end of the day, we are all responsible for every choice we make, and cant blame anyone.

The predominant results of the pharmaceutical industry don't inspire confidence. The harsh medical and barbaric options that are supposedly the only choice we have, don't feel right to me. Anyone living with a chronic degenerative illness can relate to this. This picture represents the majority's experience of the medical system!

I'm inspired by those people who are sharing their own stories of healing. The quiet and courageous achievers who don't have anything to gain but optimal health. Those people who choose not to be victims any more and instead embark on a journey of self responsibility.

People who are open minded and flexible, who question all that they have been taught. Who are willing to consider new possibilities of what it means to be optimally healthy. Are you one of those people? Will you join me?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Need A Detox? Take This Test And Find Out!

Do I need to detoxify my body? How can I tell if I do? These are commonly heard questions.

Just by looking at statistics of obesity, cancer and diabetes it becomes very clear that most people would benefit from a detox. These illnesses are all associated with accumulation and poor elimination! You don't have to wait for a diagnosis of any illness. Pay attention to your body today!

Think about for a moment what is considered a 'normal' diet? One that contains refined sugars, processed fats and grains, preservatives, pesticides, colorings, and flavorings. Many people also take medications, or work in environments where they are exposed to greater toxins.

All of this needs to be broken down, processed,  and properly eliminated by our body! If you are suffering from constant fatigue and exhaustion, do you think perhaps your body is trying to tell you something?

All of us are exposed to a variety of contaminants which our body needs to detoxify thru our bowels, urine, breath, and sweat.

If your channels of elimination aren't working properly, for example if you are constipated, or not properly hydrated, these toxins can recirculate, and stay in your body. They are primarily stored in fat tissue. In fact, many people who struggle with keeping their weight down are, in fact, overloaded with toxins.

To help you find out whether you body could benefit from  a detox take the following test. give yourself a score of 1 if you experience this symptom at least once montly:

-Bad breath
-Itchy skin
-Coated tongue
-Excessive weight, that just difficult to lose despite dieting
-Brown 'liver' spots on the skin
-Skin rashes and skin infestions
-Overheating of the body
-Hormonal imbalance
-Swollen glands
-Body odor
-Dark circles under the eyes
-Severe allergies
-Red itchy eyes
-Recurrent headaches
-Strong odor of urine
-Inflammatory bowel disease
-Digestive problems such as stomach ulcers, nausea, reflux
-Offensive flatulence
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
-Recurrent infections

If you scored under 5 you should seriously consider a detox. If you scored over 5 a detox would definitely improve your well being and add quality to your life.

A short raw vegetable juice fast is greatly beneficial. Raw juices are able to naturally stimulate your bowels, liver, and kidneys, which increases the breakdown and elimination of toxic chemicals and waste products from the body. Thus allowing it to work more efficiently!

The benefits include a disappearance of symptoms, clearer thinking, better memory and concentration. But most of all, better sleep and an increase in energy. Consider doing a short detox and your body will thank you for it!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Can Meditation Change Your Genes?

Would you believe that you can change your health just by thinking differently? The fascinating study of epigentics is proving that this may be true!?

So what does epigenetics mean? "epi" meaning above, "genetics". So epigenetics considers everything above genetics, thus the environment which could be affecting certain genes to switch on or off.

The theory of "diabetes runs in your family, its in your genes" is now quickly becoming old and unscientific. That theory left alot of people victimized to a life that was supposedly predetermined by their genes.

What they are proving is that its the environment that is most significant, whether it is supporting those genes to express or not express themselves.

How much of the world is looking for a cure and NOT looking at the causes? If you slowly create a load of rubbish it will start rotting and the flies will come. Its the same with our internal environment.

We poison ourselves with processed food, pesticides, colorings, flavorings, and take medications to suppress our symptoms of toxicity. We think toxic thoughts for hours, days, months without realizing! There's no point killing the flies because the rubbish is still there, more flies will come.

But what if we started cleaning up the rubbish? What if we looked at our internal environment as a priority? How much waste are we putting in? Is it being eliminated properly? Is it accumulating? This refers not just to diet, but thoughts! How much of our families toxic beliefs and habits of thought did we inherit?

Its empowering to know that we actually have a huge amount of control over how our genetic traits are expressed. And that is by changing our thoughts, beliefs, and by altering our diet and our environment.

Take for example this article in the renowned PubMed (the US National Library of Medicine) that showed long term effects of meditation lead to anatomical changes in the brain that can actually be measured by MRI. It revealed that meditation reduces cortisol, the stress hormone, and increases melatonin, and this changes the pattern of gene expression. This study showed that the genes that are responsible for producing inflammatory molecules can be reduced by meditation!
Bruce Lipton, scientist, researcher, teacher, and author, is driven by a passion to bring scientific evidence directly to the people his information could best assist: everyone.
His journey of discovery began as a cell biologist cloning stem cells to understand their control mechanism. This research was undertaken while teaching cell anatomy to medical school students at the University of Wisconsin. Further research conducted at Stanford’s School of Medicine revealed that genes were turned on and off, not by the genes themselves, but through external, environmental stimuli.
- See more at:
ong term meditation does lead to anatomical changes in the brain that can be measured by various scanning technologies (MRI, fMRI, etc). Meditation reduces cortisol and increases melatonin, and this changes the pattern of gene expression. Here's a study from the top of the stack that shows that the genes responsible for producing some very inflammatory molecules can be reduced by meditation
Bruce Lipton, scientist, researcher, teacher, and author, is driven by a passion to bring scientific evidence directly to the people his information could best assist: everyone.
His journey of discovery began as a cell biologist cloning stem cells to understand their control mechanism. This research was undertaken while teaching cell anatomy to medical school students at the University of Wisconsin. Further research conducted at Stanford’s School of Medicine revealed that genes were turned on and off, not by the genes themselves, but through external, environmental stimuli.
- See more at:
ong term meditation does lead to anatomical changes in the brain that can be measured by various scanning technologies (MRI, fMRI, etc). Meditation reduces cortisol and increases melatonin, and this changes the pattern of gene expression. Here's a study from the top of the stack that shows that the genes responsible for producing some very inflammatory molecules can be reduced by meditation

Another study revealed that specifically 8 hours of meditation is enough to alter your genetic expression in such a way that inflammation is reduced and your response is enhanced.

That is clear evidence of the power of our mind. Our thoughts and beleifs create a certain biochemistry inside our body. Thru this awareness, we can either help create an internal environment that supports health or disease.

For example, I think most of us would agree that emotions and beliefs of fear are not supportive of health. They create a toxic biochemistry thus allowing those 'bad' genes to switch on. I certainly haven't heard of anyone healing anything by worrying excessively!

Its empowering to know we are powerful creators. All we need to do is be aware of what we choose to think, believe, and our body will create that reality for us.

Do you believe that you are meant to be healthy, that your body is a magnificent creation that is always seeking perfect health? We have been taught not to trust our body. How many fearful beliefs are imposed on us thru the media every day??

I suggest that we lovingly choose empowering thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and habits that are supportive to health. And, start a daily meditation practice to create that healing internal environment!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Understanding A Diabetic

Diabetes has been declared as the fastest growing chronic illness. 382 million people had diabetes in 2013; by 2035 this is predicted to rise to 592 million! Diabetes caused at least 548 billion dollars US in health care expenditures in 2013!

So most people know someone, have a loved one with diabetes, or actually have diabetes. I'm one of them. I have been for 30 years. Type 1, insulin dependent.

I hope to share my insights with the many others who struggle experiencing this illness. Being a health practitioner gave me many opportunities to learn, understand, and incorporate many different treatments that made life easier for me. It can also be difficult for family members and loved ones who want to be helpful. With so many peoples lives being affected I want to shed some light, on my failures and also what has been of tremendous benefit for me on this challenging journey.

Mary Tyler Moore sums up our life really well:
“Both children and adults like me who live with type 1 diabetes need to be mathematicians, physicians, personal trainers, and dietitians all rolled into one. We need to be constantly factoring and adjusting, making frequent finger sticks to check blood sugars, and giving ourselves multiple daily insulin injections just to stay alive.”

Iv spent too many years in denial, anger, and rebellion. When i was little i just wanted to be like everyone else. I couldn't understand why everything had to be controlled. Every bit of food, drink, and exercise measured. I had to be aware and careful all the time. I felt this was so wrong, that this kind of life will never feel right to me!

After the first 20 years i was exhausted and angry. I felt trapped in a cage, which was my body, and it was constantly letting me down. I couldn't bear thoughts of the future if it consisted of feeling like this!

I resisted and punished myself for over 20 years. Why cant i just feel good, every day, like everyone else appeared? why couldn't i have a justifiable reason for exhaustion like exercising or working too much? Apparently my reason was just eating the wrong type of carbohydrate. And id pay for my mistake by not being able to think and move for the rest of the day, and maybe even the next day! For years I was taught that eating oats for breakfast was 'good', but that's not what my body was telling me!

It honestly hasn't been til just the last few years that iv decided I'm going to try something different. I was going to consider acceptance. Resistance sure didn't work. I just felt frustrated, not good enough, different, and isolated. I was a victim to this disease that i was told i would definitely have for the rest of my life.

My motto for life now is "I am where I am, and its ok". From this you then start to treat yourself like you matter. When you start to care about yourself you begin to consider there might be better options out there that you may not have been aware of before, when you were busy resisting. When you start accepting yourself you start opening your mind.

Acceptance has been a tremendous benefit for me. Im becoming more aware of how much time i waste in resistance. And, how much time could be used more productively. Im still learning every day.

I try to remind myself of all the things Iv learned the hard way. My life has been one big experiment. In future I will get into more specifics of my personal management, the mistakes Ive made, what iv learned, and what im now questioning!

With statistics about diabetes always on the rise, I cant help but wonder who benefits from our suffering and ignorance, who controls what we really know, or have been led to believe? I always still believe in the back of my mind that things will always get better. I have a curious mind and enjoy thinking outside the box. I believe our mind is like a parachute, it works best only if its open!