Sunday, January 11, 2015

Are You Part Of The Majority Of The Population Deficient In This Mineral?

Are you one of the millions of people suffering from this mineral deficiency and not even know it? Do you suffer from these common symptoms:

-Muscle aches, pains, weakness, twitches, and spasm?
-Depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia?
-Water retention, PMS, painful periods?
-High blood pressure, heart problems, rapid heart rate?
-Constant fatigue, low energy?
-Unstable blood glucose levels, suffer intense sugar and chocolate cravings?
-Chronic pain, migraines?

All these symptoms may indicate that you could be the majority of the population who isn't aware that they are magnesium deficient!

Magnesium deficiency is largely overlooked and millions of people. Most needlessly suffer many debilitating symptoms that could easily be cured by supplementation. Many doctors overlook the importance of this mineral deficiency and are quick to prescribe drugs. Low magnesium levels make nearly every illness worse!

During my years as a practitioner Id have to honestly say that easily 8 out of 10 people presented with symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Everybody that supplemented with magnesium reported a reduction, if not disappearance of many of the symptoms they were suffering. People with diabetes, cardiovascular issues, sufferers of anxiety, depression, mood disorders, painful muscular issues, all improved significantly.

The famous neurosuregeon Dr. Norman Shealy's stated that "Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency" and that, "magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body. A magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient."

If you suffer chronic stress, take drugs such as diuretics, suffer from diarrhea, had a bout of vomiting, consume alcohol, drink coffee every day, eat processed food especially sugar, get intense sugar cravings then you may be even more prone to magnesium deficiency. All these deplete the body of its magnesium stores. Food is significantly depleted of this mineral because our soils are. So you can see how most of us would easily suffer a depletion of this vital mineral!

Most people aren't aware of the enormous role that magnesium plays in our bodies. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 reactions in the body and is by far the most important mineral with the body. After oxygen, water, and basic food, magnesium may be considered the most important element that's required by our bodies to function optimally. Magnesium also has a very calming effect on the nervous system and helps to neutralize the acids in our blood!

Magnesium is a supplement I always keep in my cupboard and can't go with out at least a few times per week. I feel more relaxed, sleep better and it helps stabilize my blood glucose levels. Coping with type 1 diabetes it is a mineral that has tremendously helped me to recover from the exhaustion that I feel after my sugar levels go up or down. It also helps to relieve my restless legs syndrome that can be quite debilitating.

Find out why this is my favorite magnesium and why I've used it for years...
 Ethical Nutrients Mega Magnesium: Joanna's Product Reviews

I'd love to hear from you if you have a story about how magnesium has helped you. Because its such a quiet and prevalent deficiency I hope people realize its significance in maintaining health!

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