Thursday, January 1, 2015

3 Questions To Help You Find Your Lifes Purpose

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life".. Have you heard this quote by Confucius and wondered how that could be you? Do you work at a job that leaves you with a great feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day? Or are you exhausted and cant bear the thought of facing another day doing that activity?

Its unfortunate that too many people struggle their whole lives in discovering their career path and they settle for what they must do. Many people go to their grave with their song unsung, with their passions remaining undiscovered.

Answer these 3 questions honestly to help you realize what your true calling is:

1. What would I do for free? This is important because what you would do for free, is actually whats nourishing your soul so much, that you don't require payment for it. You are tapped into an unlimited supply of energy, inspiration, creativity and this connection to Source enervates you.

2. What am I doing when i lose track of time? You become so 'in the moment' that you seem to enter a space where there is no time. It feels like eternity. You are so focused that time does not matter to you.

3. What kind of things do people compliment me on? Your family and friends can be good at recognizing your talent before you notice it yourself. Notice what they compliment you for. What do they say you're really good at? Sometimes it can be a low level of confidence that stops us from recognizing our talents. Why not ask people who have known you for a long time for their honest opinion?

I believe its never too late to follow your heart and find your life purpose. We are all here to offer the world what ONLY we have to offer. That is our uniqueness. Just like no two snowflakes are the same, we are all individual with what we have to contribute to humanity. There will never be another you so don't waste another day not doing something that nourishes your soul!

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