Sunday, October 18, 2015

Is Gluten Impeding Our Ability To Heal?

Have you noticed how many foods nowadays seem to have the words 'gluten free' on their packaging? Wonder what all the fuss is about?

It can take a while to comprehend all the information about glutens detrimental effects on our healing ability.

Did you know that experts are now saying that there isn't a single disease that doesn't have an association with gluten sensitivity!

Could gluten be impacting your health?
Most of us were raised on cereals or oats for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, crackers and biscuits for snacks, and pasta for dinner. So you see how easily it becomes to track back how much gluten we've all been ingesting at virtually every meal of our entire lives. Is it a wonder that it's now causing so many problems for so many people?

Initially this topic was overwhelming for me to even consider. Everything I was learning couldn't be true, could it?

The most obvious sources of gluten
Gluten is found in all grains: wheat, barley, rye, oats. Then there's derivatives of these grains like kamut, cous cous, semolina, and others.

And then, there's hidden sources of gluten in dressings, sauces, beer, and other strange places!

Gluten is responsible for the elasticity in texture of products such as breads, pastries, pasta, cereals, cookies.
Let's face it, it sure tastes yummy and one bite is never enough!

The case against gluten
It's difficult to ignore all the negative attention gluten and grains are getting. The case against gluten is very convincing, undeniable actually.

Dr David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain and recipient of humanitarian of the year award (American College of Nutrition) enlightened the world about the prevalence of gluten sensitivity.

As a neurologist, his area of expertise is the brain and nervous system. Through his indisputable research he discovered the impact that gluten had on every neurological disorder.

From depression, headaches, seizures, autism, MS, ADHD, to Parkinson's, epilepsy, dementia, bipolar, and even suicide.

You can watch a very informative interview with Dr Perlmutter and Dr Mercola here:

In fact ALL inflammatory illnesses were linked back to gluten, because ingestion of gluten causes the gut to launch an inflammatory response, on the body's own tissues and organs!

The inflammatory response starts in the stomach lining. Gluten erodes this lining thus making digestion and absorption difficult.

The symptoms of gluten complications are on a continuum and can range from a mild sensitivity to full blown allergy and intolerance. 

What's 'leaky gut' got to do with it?
This is where the term 'leaky gut' comes from. This term has been used by natural health practitioners for over 100 years, so it's great to see that finally 'leaky gut' has been recognized by the American Gastroenterology Association.

Leaky gut occurs when undigested particles pass thru into the bloodstream, into the brain causing a further irritation and inflammatory havoc. It's not surprising that one of the first areas that people present with are mental symptoms.

All symptoms of allergy seem to indicate a 'leaky gut' issue also.

How prevalent is it?
Apparently hidden gluten sensitivity can be found in epidemic proportions in some populations.

Holistic doctors now widely claim that everyone has gluten sensitivity and experiences sub-clinical symptoms. This is the reason damage that gluten inflicts can go unrecognized for decades.

It is often difficult to diagnose unless serious tissue damage has already occurred. Apparently 70% of gut lining needs to be eroded before it will show up on tests, and it is only then that a doctor will diagnose it as Caeliac.

What symptoms could your body be giving you??
Are you curious to know which 5 areas of the body are most affected? Watch this short explanatory clip here:

Carbohydrate addiction
Gluten contains a protein called gliadin which acts as an opiate in the brain as explained by Dr William Davis, cardiologist and bestselling author of Wheat Belly.

Apparently that is why it is so difficult to stop eating these carbohydrates (grains) because they have an addictive effect on our brain.

Watch a fascinating interview with Dr Davis where he discuses the effects of wheat here:

Is gluten silently sabotaging your best efforts to heal?
Every time you ingest something containing gluten, and for most of us that's at every meal, your immune system thinks gluten is an invader, and attacks.

Once activated, your immune system can get confused and may then attack structures that are similar to gluten. Our body can mistakenly attack glands and tissues and this is how autoimmune conditions develop.

Is gluten free the solution?
The issue of avoiding gluten isn't as simple as it appears, and it can be a challenging journey.

It's important to mention that the reason why many people who go on a gluten free diet don't get the results they are hoping for is due to cross reactivity.

This is mainly because there are many other hidden ingredients, and foods that your body reacts to in a similar way as to gluten.

Also, many commercial 'gluten free' products are very high glyceamic, which can pose more problems for people with insulin resistance.
Oh boy, there's so much to be aware of. The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. Where does one start?

I guess this reminds me of the famous quote: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". And that's the only way to look at it.

If you found these insights informative please feel free to subscribe here:

Dr David Perlmutter
Dr William Davis
Dr Joseph Mercola

5 Body Systems Affected By Gluten: How Gluten Sabotages Your Healing

Friday, October 9, 2015

Can Raw Juices Alleviate Your Symptoms?

Are you noticing a new trend? People who are no longer satisfied with the little information their doctor dispenses about self care? There are masses of people now who intend to take their power back by learning simple habits that can support their body's innate healing powers.

If you are one of those people who feels like suppressing a symptom indefinitely with a pill may not be the answer, then have you heard about raw juicing?

Raw juicing is an easy way to boost your health and help you treat an endless number of disorders. You may have read of people curing themselves of all sorts of debilitating illnesses simply by making this a daily habit.

But how exactly? Why are so many people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, adding this simple habit into their lifestyle? And what about commercial juices, are they a trustworthy source of good nutrients like their advertisements tell us?

Reasons to include a nutrient dense raw juice in your diet
One of the main reasons is because we are eating so much processed food that has lost most of its nutrients by the time it reaches our mouth.

Many of us are in severe deficit. We may not even connect the dots but our poor energy levels, inability to sleep, think, or maintain a healthy waistline are signals that are becoming harder to ignore.

Let's face it, we are no longer getting optimal nutrition from the foods we are eating. We are no longer eating food, but rather food like products!

Many people walk around for years suffering an undiagnosed mineral and vitamin deficiency. Deficiencies can present in various degrees of severity, depending on how long you've been deficient for, how much stress you are under, overall how 'good' your diet is, and how much nutrients you have 'in reserve'.

For example, a slight vitamin C deficiency initially may present as bleeding gums. Then may progress to dry skin, bumps and bruises that won't heal. Then an unrelenting cough or a cold that goes on for weeks. Perhaps further on as severe fatigue, and adrenal exhaustion.

People then may have to resort to taking a supplement in pill form, and a therapeutic dose to alleviate their symptoms. But sometimes pills can be difficult to break down or absorb. Unlike food in it's natural form, the correct synergistic nutrients often can't be put together in a pill.

Another great reason to add a raw juice daily is to counteract the effects of stress and help our body cope the endless list of pollutants we are exposed to. When we are stressed or exposed to toxins our body has to work harder at eliminating them, and needs more nutrients to maintain a healthy equilibrium.

Did you know?
  • Every scent you inhale, goes directly into your lungs where its instantly absorbed into your bloodstream? It then circulates down to your liver to be broken down and eliminated. Many of the chemicals we are bombarded with found in perfume, air fresheners, deodorants, and fabric softeners our liver struggles to detoxify. This causes a big strain on our liver and may lead to signs that our liver is struggling, such as weight gain, constipation, and skin rashes. The nutrients in raw juices can help alleviate these symptoms of toxicity!
  • Everything you put on your skin is absorbed directly into your bloodstream. Our skin is the largest organ. Residues of synthetic and harmful chemicals found in body moisturizers, face creams, make up and sunscreen can be found accumulating in our organs. This leads to symptoms ranging from allergies, metabolism dysregulation, and even tumors (e.g. aluminum residues found in biopsies of breast tumors due to the aluminum in deodorants being absorbed via lymphatics in the armpit)  

Benefits of raw juices
Consuming raw juices encourages easy elimination of these toxins and other wastes from the body. Toxins are also stored in fat. That's perhaps another reason why raw juicing is a great way to help lose excess fat.

But over all, raw juices are a powerful way to help the body maintain its balance. Juicing a variety of fresh (preferably organic) produce is also common sense.
When we experience symptoms of dis-ease they are just signs we are out of harmony. Raw juices will regulate metabolism, assist with weight loss, boost the immune system, and even prevent aging.

Raw juices also provide instant nutrition. Being fiber free they are rapidly absorbed and go to work immediately. The body receives a boost of antioxidants, essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals that are essential in maintaining optimal health.
Why green?
Green juices cleanse and restore the body, balance metabolism, and have a rejuvenating effect.

Some people don't consider fruit like green apples and pears, part of their 'green' juice. However, I believe that if they are still green colored then they fall under the category of green juice, and contain less sugar then colored fruit.

Green juices help purify the blood, build red blood cells, and heal the body. These actions are especially important for people who experience symptoms of arthritis, obesity, urinary tract infections, constipation, cancer, and many other signs of imbalance.

Green juices are generally lower glyceamic and are less sweeter. Therefore preferable for people with blood sugar irregularities. Green raw juices are packed full of minerals which are alkalizing too. Women with urinary tract infections, gout, or other conditions classified as 'acidic' will find them very beneficial.

Green juices are a rich source of chlorophyll which is the green pigment. Chlorophyll is virtually identical in structure to hemoglobin in our blood. The only difference between chlorophyll and our blood is the central molecule; in blood it's iron, and in chlorophyll it is magnesium!

Please watch this very simple and informative clip of what I like to include daily as part of my prevention plan. I hope it inspires you to try it for yourself. You can see it here:

Why avoid commercial juices?
Many commercial juices are heat treated to lengthen shelf life. Heat destroys many nutrients, including vitamin C and bioflavanoids.

Plastic bottles can leach hormone disrupting constituents into the juice which is bad news.

Commercial juices may also contain added sugars, preservatives, and flavorings. Many are made from concentrate and then are watered down because its more profitable.

Self empowering practice
I like to think of raw juicing as my health insurance. It just seems true to me that my body has an innate healing ability and all it needs is support and care.

I choose to invest in my well being in this way because I find it unacceptable to believe that taking a handful of prescription drugs by middle age is what I have to look forward to.

And always remember that it's important to listen to what your body is telling you. So go by how you feel. Learn to trust your body and what it needs, prefers or doesn't.

Knowledge is power. We are all each others teachers. And I'm excited to continuously be learning new ways to better take care of this one body I've been privileged to receive.

Are you now keen to find out if raw juices could boost your health, or alleviate your symptoms? Why not start today, commit to just a month and see how your body responds!

Please feel free to subscribe. I value your comments, questions, and always love to hear about your experiences.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Are You Missing Opportunities For More Love In Your Life?

We all look for it, long to experience it, and want to prolong it for as long as possible. Love is a powerful force.

Can you clearly recall a point in your life when love gave you a sense deep of purpose? When you were inspired to do so much more than you thought you were capable of? When you felt courageous, strong, and nothing could deter you? When love gave you hope, limitless patience that you never thought you had? Or when love made it easier for you to forgive someone?

I was inspired to write this blog because I heard a statement the other day that really struck me. Probably because it was a perspective about love that I hadn't really paid too much attention to.

The words "All human suffering is due to a deficiency of love" resonated deeply. I stopped to think about its simplicity and truth.

I started to ponder in all the ways in which we suffer because of a supposed lack of love.

And a more empowering question came to mind; are there opportunities that we miss or unknowingly reject?? How can we say "yes" to love?

According to quantum physics what we focus on brings it into our experience. Then why do we spend so much time complaining, discussing in great detail, replaying in our mind painful stories of heartbreak? Why do we want endless validation of our past hurts, disappointments, and betrayals?

We seem to wear our emotional wounds like badges. I know, I've definitely spent a lot of time there too. And I do understand the value of validation. But there comes a point in our lives when we've just had enough of reliving past wounds. 

I recall Ekhart Tolle saying "suffering is only necessary until you realize it is unnecessary".

That really woke me up. I started to become aware of all the ways I was still choosing to suffer and dwell on how much love was missing in my life.

I started to consciously change my focus and wonder; how can we become more present of these opportunities for love, how can we welcome them? Perhaps by being more aware of all the ways in which love presents itself to us?

Are you missing these subtle opportunities?
I encourage you to 'see the world with new eyes' and observe all the different ways people express their love to you.

Be present as these moments occur. Honor them. This is creating a space for love and welcoming more love into your life.

Examples of love we frequently overlook every day
  • Someone walking by, looking at us kindly, acknowledging us in the street as we pass each other. Saying a polite "hello", choosing to extend to us a moment of presence. Their gesture meaning "I see you". Acknowledgement and validation, no matter how brief, are expressions of love. We've all had the experience of being ignored, so why not choose to see this brief validation through loving eyes?
  • Someone giving way to us in traffic. Extending patience. Recognizing that we may be in a rush. Extending consideration to us. Putting our priorities and time ahead of theirs. A brief gesture of kindness and putting someone else first, is an expression of love.
  • A waitress, barista, or receptionist smiling and saying "thank you" when we exchange payment for their help, services, or product. Their moment of presence is an expression of love.
  • A stranger at the dog park starts a conversation by showing interest in your pet, reaching out for a moment of shared connection. Or a woman at the cafe stops to ask you about the book she noticed you were reading. Choosing to pay attention and genuinely extending interest in another person can be an opportunity to express love. 
  • Your new friend invites you over for lunch and makes a meal she remembered you said was your favorite. But although you say thank you, you are quick to start discussions of your issues, problems, and clearing what weighs on your mind. Why miss the opportunity to overlook her loving gesture? Take this moment to stop, give her undivided attention and heartfelt recognition of the effort she's gone to... for you. Appreciation inspires others to want to share even more with you. Love cannot exist without gratitude.

What we see depends on what we look for

These are only small examples of ways in which we miss opportunities to experience more love.

Be attentive of all the different ways loving actions, kindness, patience, and compassion are extended to you. Treasure these small opportunities and soon life will reveal even more.

Although love is something that we feel and experience, I believe that love is what we actually ARE.
I propose that it's most empowering to consider love as a way of being, rather than just an action.

Loving experiences only remind us of our true nature. That's why it feels so good and familiar, to love and be loved.

I believe that opportunities to experience more love are everywhere but, only if we choose to notice.
What seemingly hidden opportunities could you be overlooking in your daily life?

Thanks for reading my expressions of my current internal processes. I hope it was helpful and clarifying to you.

If this information resonated with you, please feel free to subscribe to YouTube or blog by clicking the icons above.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Illuminating Self Love: 5 Vital Questions We All Need To Ask

The concept of self love is foreign to most of us, especially women who have traditionally been the care takers for generations. This particular blog was prompted by some challenges I recently have been facing regarding this very topic.

Personally, it has been very confronting to consider self love. How do I love me? How do I look after me? How do I show others how to care for me, what's acceptable? What are my preferences, what are my limitations?

I was recently immobilized by a health crisis that brought this very important issue to the surface. I interpreted this as the Universe's way telling me to completely stop. Cease doing. Just BE.

I had to learn to ask, learn to receive, and feel deserving of all the support that I actually had. I had to become comfortable with this feeling of uncomfortability!

In retrospect, it was a seemingly short but intense time of learning, looking at my beleifs about my own self worth, and how much love do I believe I deserve to experience.

Vital Questions To Ask Yourself
So I ask you now to take an internal inventory and ask yourself the following 5 questions regarding self love.

I hope you find this inquiry enlightening, revealing, and that these questions stimulate your conscious consideration.
Just observe your initial reaction, feelings, and self talk:

  1. How do you feel, respond when someone gives you a compliment? Do you feel awkward, act ambivalent, are quick to dismiss, or minimize their expression? Can you take a moment, validate that person, and perhaps see this as a gesture of love they are wanting to share with you? Can you fully acknowledge and recognize their truth, that they have glimpsed the true nature of you? And that feels uncomfortable to you because it's not what you believe about yourself? How quick are you to reject being in that vulnerable moment of receiving? If you find it challenging then perhaps just begin to feel their loving intention behind the words.
  2. Have you set aside a special regular time, a ritual that makes you feel good about being in your body? A monthly massage? 10 minutes in the morning in meditation, appreciating all that you are, all that you have been blessed with? How about, a regular green juice that you know nourishes you and makes you feel good? Do you pay an extra $5 for the organic option on a menu because its an investment in your physical wellbeing? Do you devote regular time to be alone, sitting and being, perhaps journalling? Do you limit your time around people that drain you energetically?
  3. Are you able to lovingly assert yourself? Set boundaries on what you will and won't do? Can you be firm with your decisions? Your "no" meaning "no", without justifying, explaining or guilt?
  4. Do you recognize and appreciate your uniqueness? Or, do feel guilty because you struggle to conform to society's version of 'normal'? Is your life, work, and relationships based on your personal preferences? Or do you politely go along with the crowd, your family, or religion not wanting to cause waves or feel rejected? 
  5. Are you critical of your physical appearance? Your level of education? Where you are in life right now? Do you berate yourself and compare yourself to others? Are you quick to find faults and your inner self talk is very judgmental? Do you walk around feeling not good enough?
What If You ARE Enough?
I truly believe that self love is the experience of total self acceptance. We keep living our lives as if "one day in the future we will be perfect and then...". This is a false premise. This is not conducive of self love.

We don't have to be something more. We are enough. Right this moment.

It's time that we begin to consciously hear how we speak to ourselves. To learn to be more gentle, loving, forgiving, and accepting.

Self love implies that we are enough, we are lovable just as we are. Not once we lose 10 kilos, once we get that promotion, once we've whitened our teeth more, or finished our degree.

Effects Of Self Love
I'm also suspecting that the more we love ourselves, the more people will feel loved by us.

Aren't we all drawn to loving people? Accepting, patient, kind, non judgmental, these are all such attractive qualities! Can we express these to ourselves?

I certainly admit that I may have a long way to go, that I've just began learning consciously about what it means to love ME.

But I've definitely grasped the importance of if. And am humbly conceding that I hid behind my busy life, self imposed obligations, and imagined expectations for far too long.

We are all evolving at our own unique pace. We are undoubtedly deserving of our own attention and nurturing. If we don't love ourselves we will forever be seeking, expecting it from external sources.

We need to embody love, choose loving thoughts because the way we speak to ourselves matters. Express loving behaviors and start living more from that space of awareness. It all starts when we love ourselves enough, first...

Please feel free to subscribe to my blogs and Youtube channel. I value your comments, suggestions, and feedback about your experiences regarding this topic..