Friday, January 16, 2015

Can Meditation Change Your Genes?

Would you believe that you can change your health just by thinking differently? The fascinating study of epigentics is proving that this may be true!?

So what does epigenetics mean? "epi" meaning above, "genetics". So epigenetics considers everything above genetics, thus the environment which could be affecting certain genes to switch on or off.

The theory of "diabetes runs in your family, its in your genes" is now quickly becoming old and unscientific. That theory left alot of people victimized to a life that was supposedly predetermined by their genes.

What they are proving is that its the environment that is most significant, whether it is supporting those genes to express or not express themselves.

How much of the world is looking for a cure and NOT looking at the causes? If you slowly create a load of rubbish it will start rotting and the flies will come. Its the same with our internal environment.

We poison ourselves with processed food, pesticides, colorings, flavorings, and take medications to suppress our symptoms of toxicity. We think toxic thoughts for hours, days, months without realizing! There's no point killing the flies because the rubbish is still there, more flies will come.

But what if we started cleaning up the rubbish? What if we looked at our internal environment as a priority? How much waste are we putting in? Is it being eliminated properly? Is it accumulating? This refers not just to diet, but thoughts! How much of our families toxic beliefs and habits of thought did we inherit?

Its empowering to know that we actually have a huge amount of control over how our genetic traits are expressed. And that is by changing our thoughts, beliefs, and by altering our diet and our environment.

Take for example this article in the renowned PubMed (the US National Library of Medicine) that showed long term effects of meditation lead to anatomical changes in the brain that can actually be measured by MRI. It revealed that meditation reduces cortisol, the stress hormone, and increases melatonin, and this changes the pattern of gene expression. This study showed that the genes that are responsible for producing inflammatory molecules can be reduced by meditation!
Bruce Lipton, scientist, researcher, teacher, and author, is driven by a passion to bring scientific evidence directly to the people his information could best assist: everyone.
His journey of discovery began as a cell biologist cloning stem cells to understand their control mechanism. This research was undertaken while teaching cell anatomy to medical school students at the University of Wisconsin. Further research conducted at Stanford’s School of Medicine revealed that genes were turned on and off, not by the genes themselves, but through external, environmental stimuli.
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ong term meditation does lead to anatomical changes in the brain that can be measured by various scanning technologies (MRI, fMRI, etc). Meditation reduces cortisol and increases melatonin, and this changes the pattern of gene expression. Here's a study from the top of the stack that shows that the genes responsible for producing some very inflammatory molecules can be reduced by meditation
Bruce Lipton, scientist, researcher, teacher, and author, is driven by a passion to bring scientific evidence directly to the people his information could best assist: everyone.
His journey of discovery began as a cell biologist cloning stem cells to understand their control mechanism. This research was undertaken while teaching cell anatomy to medical school students at the University of Wisconsin. Further research conducted at Stanford’s School of Medicine revealed that genes were turned on and off, not by the genes themselves, but through external, environmental stimuli.
- See more at:
ong term meditation does lead to anatomical changes in the brain that can be measured by various scanning technologies (MRI, fMRI, etc). Meditation reduces cortisol and increases melatonin, and this changes the pattern of gene expression. Here's a study from the top of the stack that shows that the genes responsible for producing some very inflammatory molecules can be reduced by meditation

Another study revealed that specifically 8 hours of meditation is enough to alter your genetic expression in such a way that inflammation is reduced and your response is enhanced.

That is clear evidence of the power of our mind. Our thoughts and beleifs create a certain biochemistry inside our body. Thru this awareness, we can either help create an internal environment that supports health or disease.

For example, I think most of us would agree that emotions and beliefs of fear are not supportive of health. They create a toxic biochemistry thus allowing those 'bad' genes to switch on. I certainly haven't heard of anyone healing anything by worrying excessively!

Its empowering to know we are powerful creators. All we need to do is be aware of what we choose to think, believe, and our body will create that reality for us.

Do you believe that you are meant to be healthy, that your body is a magnificent creation that is always seeking perfect health? We have been taught not to trust our body. How many fearful beliefs are imposed on us thru the media every day??

I suggest that we lovingly choose empowering thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and habits that are supportive to health. And, start a daily meditation practice to create that healing internal environment!

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