Saturday, January 17, 2015

Need A Detox? Take This Test And Find Out!

Do I need to detoxify my body? How can I tell if I do? These are commonly heard questions.

Just by looking at statistics of obesity, cancer and diabetes it becomes very clear that most people would benefit from a detox. These illnesses are all associated with accumulation and poor elimination! You don't have to wait for a diagnosis of any illness. Pay attention to your body today!

Think about for a moment what is considered a 'normal' diet? One that contains refined sugars, processed fats and grains, preservatives, pesticides, colorings, and flavorings. Many people also take medications, or work in environments where they are exposed to greater toxins.

All of this needs to be broken down, processed,  and properly eliminated by our body! If you are suffering from constant fatigue and exhaustion, do you think perhaps your body is trying to tell you something?

All of us are exposed to a variety of contaminants which our body needs to detoxify thru our bowels, urine, breath, and sweat.

If your channels of elimination aren't working properly, for example if you are constipated, or not properly hydrated, these toxins can recirculate, and stay in your body. They are primarily stored in fat tissue. In fact, many people who struggle with keeping their weight down are, in fact, overloaded with toxins.

To help you find out whether you body could benefit from  a detox take the following test. give yourself a score of 1 if you experience this symptom at least once montly:

-Bad breath
-Itchy skin
-Coated tongue
-Excessive weight, that just difficult to lose despite dieting
-Brown 'liver' spots on the skin
-Skin rashes and skin infestions
-Overheating of the body
-Hormonal imbalance
-Swollen glands
-Body odor
-Dark circles under the eyes
-Severe allergies
-Red itchy eyes
-Recurrent headaches
-Strong odor of urine
-Inflammatory bowel disease
-Digestive problems such as stomach ulcers, nausea, reflux
-Offensive flatulence
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
-Recurrent infections

If you scored under 5 you should seriously consider a detox. If you scored over 5 a detox would definitely improve your well being and add quality to your life.

A short raw vegetable juice fast is greatly beneficial. Raw juices are able to naturally stimulate your bowels, liver, and kidneys, which increases the breakdown and elimination of toxic chemicals and waste products from the body. Thus allowing it to work more efficiently!

The benefits include a disappearance of symptoms, clearer thinking, better memory and concentration. But most of all, better sleep and an increase in energy. Consider doing a short detox and your body will thank you for it!

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