Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dont Drink Another Drop Of Water Until You Read This!

Do you know the differences between tap water, bottled water, filtered, and alkaline water? Are you really confused about what all the fuss is about which type of water is best for you and your family? And why should you care anyway? I encourage you to consider the following information as it can significantly impact your health significantly... for the better!

Our bodies need a certain amount of clean, pure, natural water every day to uphold a good level of hydration. A body that is properly hydrated will have an increased "cell" communication, which results in better health. Being properly hydrated ensures that your digestion functions properly, wastes are being eliminated, and hormones, nutrients and chemical messengers can be transported to where they are needed.
Our body consists of approximately 80% water and the brain is the control centre for all bodily functions. If you aren't properly hydrated you'll start experiencing symptoms like tiredness, irritability, inability to think, and headaches. Other long term symptoms of not drinking enough water could include chronic constipation, water retention, weight gain, degenerative illnesses and the list goes on. Drinking enough water is needed for our survival. So which type of water is best??

What Is In Tap Water?

Did you know that large amount of chemicals must be added to tap water so its considered 'safe' for people to drink? Have you also thought about how old the pipes carrying our tap water might be, what are those old pipes made of, and could those pipes be adding further contaminants? Consider that most major cities had underground water pipes originally laid down in Victorian times, that's like hundreds years old?! Hmm, interesting questions!

Scientists are have been proving that long term ingestion of even small amounts of the chemicals they're adding to municipal water can be a contributing factor to many illnesses. 

The following chemicals are routinely added to our water supply to kill bacteria and other nasties.Typically tap water contains: chlorine, fluoride, salts of arsenic, radium, aluminium, copper, lead, mercury, cadmium, barium, hormones, and pesticides. Do you personally understand or know what those chemicals actually do? And how much you or your family are ingesting? And what is considered a safe amount? Are there alternatives?

Can Tap Water Harm My Health?

If you are chasing your own tail trying to get a diagnosis because you haven't felt well for years, wouldn't it make sense to even consider what you're drinking every day, in tap water? If you just did a Google search on one of the above contaminants you would get a list of associated symptoms that they produce in the human body.

For example, chlorine. It is used as a disinfectant in municipal water systems, it is toxic even at low concentrations. Studies link exposure to chlorine through ingestion and showering with an increased risk of heart disease, allergic reactions, miscarriages, and increased rates of colon, rectal, and bladder cancers. Chlorine is corrosive and irritates the eyes, nose, and throat. Chlorine dries out skin, so if you're constantly moisturizing and still have dry skin, think about chlorine in your shower! It takes 10 seconds for chlorine to be absorbed on your skin and goes right into your bloodstream. And when you have a hot shower you inhale the gas so absorption is even faster.Chlorine is acidic and thus adds to the acidic waste residue in your body!
The topic of fluoride is very interesting. The studies exposing fluoride as dangerous to human health cant be suppressed for much longer. Renowned doctors like Dr Mercola brought awareness to the dangers of fluoride ingestion. It has been found to be an endocrine disruptor and linked to to lowered IQ, many types of cancers, suppressing the immune system. My logical question has always been, if fluoride is supposedly so good at preventing tooth decay and kills water contaminants, why does 90% of Europe not have it in their tap water? And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no discernible difference at all in tooth decay for people living in developed countries that fluoridate their water and those that don't.  

All doses of contaminants in tap water such as chlorine and fluoride are unregulated, that's why people are calling it mass medication. Do you know how much you or your child are ingesting every day? Have you tested the pH of your tap water? It sure is interesting to know, and could be a major key in resolving your health puzzle.

Perhaps you're starting to realize that getting a filter might be a good investment. If you want to maintain your health, prevent an illness, or if you're trying to heal from an illness, a filter could be very helpful to you. Its either the filter or your kidneys and liver that will be doing the filtering of all these contaminants! And it gives you some control of the amount you may be ingesting.

Why Is pH So Important For Health

Another big deal I'm sure you've been hearing about is the pH of water, whether its acidic or alkaline. Why should you care about that? And how can this affect you even if you consider yourself as healthy? 
Something to get your attention, did you know that daily breakdown from the buildup of all the acidic wastes can be defined as aging? And of course poor elimination of those wastes too? So if you feel that you are aging faster, getting slower, aren't thinking or healing as quickly as you used to, then you need to be aware whether your body is struggling to maintain pH balance.

pH is how the alkalinity or acidity is expressed. Its on a scale of 1-14. One being very acidic, 14 being very alkaline and and 7 is neutral. The human body has its own systems and organs which have their own preferred pH. 
However the most important issue that people refer to when comes to the subject of pH is that of the bloodstream. It functions optimally at around 7.4, which means its slightly alkaline. A healthy body needs this to remain healthy, heal appropriately, and for all cells to function optimally. The body also has reserves so this balance is kept at 7.4.

I have personally experienced significant health changes for the better when i started drinking filtered alkaline water every day. But i want to stress that its only my experience, and Iv always kept an open mind to all sorts of theories that I like to try for myself. 

I now consider myself thriving with an illness that iv lived with for 30 years. I honestly feel better today than 15 years ago. I've also seen tremendous changes in patients that i had the privilege to work with and help guide back to balance. My interest and passion is to continue learning about what makes me feel great!

pH Is All About BALANCE

Consider for a moment, what are we doing, eating, drinking to tip the balance in favor of alkalinity or acidity? And how are our dietary and lifestyle choices contributing to degradation and disease? It seems most of our choices tip this balance toward acidic residue. It is the residue that is left in the body after digestion that is the important point!  

Think of what most people eat, most of the time. Processed food, filled with preservative, flavorings, artificial colors, pesticides, sugar, dairy, meat, cooked vegetables, reconstituted fruit juices.. these all leave an acidic residue in your body. Next time you eat have a look at whats on your plate, is it predominately going to end up as acidic or alkaline as the end product? 

Why I use and recommend this water filter!

How Your Body Maintains Balance

Because we are always learning and discovering new theories about how our body works, this is what we know thus far. Your body has buffering systems to make sure your blood remains slightly alkaline. The blood is your body's priority so it will get alkaline nutrients to maintain that balance, even perhaps at the cost of your muscles and bones. These minerals are magnesium from your muscles, calcium from your bones, for example.

You can start to understand how a highly acidic residue diet could contribute to mineral deficiency. All processed food is mineral poor. But a mineral rich diet absolutely needs to be included for balance. Symptoms such as muscle aches and pain are most commonly a sign of magnesium deficiency. Calcium being leached from your bones is considered a cause of osteoarthritis.

What Has This Got To Do With Water?

Well, if you are drinking 2-4 litres of water per day, can you now understand why you'd want that water to be filtered? Perhaps alkaline and mineral rich? 

In todays environment its difficult, if not impossible, to find pure clean water anymore. We need to be more conscientious and willing to be open to learn, whats best for us and our family.

Bottled Water

What i think is disturbing is that we are asked to pay for water that is packaged in plastic, which disrupts our hormones, is detrimental to the environment, AND is also acidic which contributes to pH imbalance and deteriorates our health? Wow, that's a high price for convenience. 

I will elaborate more about the effects of bottled water on our health, particularly its ability to mess up our hormones in another blog. So stay tuned for that if you have issues with PMS, endometriosis, acne, stubborn belly fat, obesity, estrogen dominance, are unable to get pregnant..and the list goes on!

If you do choose to drink bottled water have a look at this fascinating clip which clearly demonstrates what you re actually paying for! Its very informative and a must watch.

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