Saturday, January 3, 2015

How To Help Your Liver Recover After Christmas and New Year!

Is your liver giving you signs that it needs attention? Did you overeat at Christmas and drink a little too much over New Years? I think our livers all need a bit of support during this particular time of year where we are more prone to overindulge.

Did you know that (besides your skin) your liver is the largest organ in the body? It is an extremely busy and hard working organ! Every minute it filters approximately 1.4 liters of blood! Everything you eat, you smell and put on your skin goes into your bloodstream and then needs to be broken down and detoxified by the liver..

Common symptoms that your liver may be struggling include:
-poor digestion including bloating, nausea, fullness, and other IBS symptoms such as constipation, diarrhoea
-weight gain, inability to lose weight and sluggish metabolism
-exacerbation of allergy symptoms such as asthma, eczema, hives
-fluid retention
-anxiety and depression
-coated tongue
-itchy skin
-excessive body heat
-lowered tolerance to alcohol, chemicals, drugs, antibiotics

So what can you do to help ease the burden on your liver and get releif from some of the above mentioned symptoms? Here are some excellent suggestions to help your liver recover from Christmas and New Years overindulgences..

Consider Dandelion Root: it is great for easing constipation, water retention, loss of appetite, and indigestion. Why not replace your coffee for dandelion root?

St Marys Thistle: This is one of my favorite herbs and i always have it in my cabinet! It is fantastic for reducing hangover symptoms because it helps the liver speed up detoxification of alcohol, fats and chemicals. It protects the liver and helps it regenerate. Excellent to help with weight loss or to take after a fatty meal!

Increase your water intake: Have you wondered why after overindulging you feel so thirsty? Because your liver has to break down the food, alcohol, toxic and acidic byproducts so they are water soluble, it requires a significant amount of water to process it all. Make sure the water is filtered because tap water contains many chemicals that put a further burden on the liver. Constituents such as lead, fluoride, bacteria, and many others need to be removed by a good filter so your liver doesn't have to be the filter!

I hope you find some of these tips helpful in your recovery after the Christmas and New Year period.
Be conscious of the amazing job your liver does every day. Be kind to this miraculous organ and you'll be rewarded with perfect weight, hormonal balance, metabolism, and increased energy levels!

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