Sunday, January 4, 2015

Are You A HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)? Take This Test & Find Out!

If you're reading this, my guess is that we are in the same boat. When you were younger were you criticized that you are too sensitive, were a cry baby, you need to toughen up, and why couldn't you be like everyone else? Have you always felt different, isolated at times, perhaps even flawed in some way?

Do you shy away from social activities? Do you prefer to do things at your own pace, and feel anxious when being asked to do things on someone elses time? There are many other traits that us, the HSP's share. I want to share this transformational concept with you because this subject of over sensitivity, has helped me significantly!

The Highly Sensitive Persons Test

Answer the following questions true or false to help you identify whether you are a HSP:

-Are you aware of very subtle changes in the environment? Pick up on the 'vibes'?
-Are you easily overwhelmed by noise, bright lights, strong smells?
-Do you tend to notice things that seem to be unobserved by others?
-Do you spend a lot of time in contemplation and reflection?
-Do you suffer from 'social discomfort' and prefer to be on your own?
-Do you feel unwell or unable to watch violent movies, negative reports on the news news..or see graphic photos of people or animals suffering?
-Do you get annoyed when asked to do too many things at once?
-Do you feel things very deeply? Fall in love easily and quickly?
-Do you need to withdraw daily from the world into a space that is just your own to recharge?
-Are you very sensitive to pain, you own and that of others?
-Do you become annoyed when there's too much going on around you?
-Do you struggle to keep up the pace of the world around you, put up a good show that you're coping but then crash, withdraw and just want to cry?
-Do you generally feel its difficult for you to feel self worth and have self confidence? That no one understands?

The more yeses you got, the more it indicates that you can classify yourself as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Watch this video...  How To Tell If You Are Highly Sensitive

Recognition Of HSP

According to new research, people that identify themselves as HSP have a more sensitive nervous system which gets over aroused and over stimulated more easily. They are able to identify, consciously and unconsciously, the subtleties in their environment.

Their nervous system processes more information, for a longer period of time thus they become easily overwhelmed when exposed to a highly stimulating environment for too long.

Our current society values a fast pace of living, eating, speaking, thinking, extroversion in general, outspokenness, being in the lime light, fame and glory. This is the exact opposite of what a Highly Sensitive Person requires to thrive.

I believe that recognizing and owning these aspects of your personality is liberating and very empowering. Its time people who are highly sensitive begin looking at their acute receptiveness as something of great value!

If this topic resonated with you then please feel free to subscribe to my blog and to receive my monthly inspirational newsletter!

Find out here....How To Recognize A Highly Sensitive Child

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