Thursday, March 12, 2015

Are You Ready To Move On? 3 Definitive Signs You Need To Recognize Now!

Do you have a persistent and nagging feeling of being unsure in your job, relationship or friendship? Do you feel you may have outgrown your current situation and are frequently finding yourself in a mental vacuum? Are you more often disagreeing or disconnecting on subjects that previously engaged you and made you happy?

Even considering moving on from a vested interest like a career, relationship, or project takes alot of self honesty and courage.

I'm confident in declaring myself an expert in this field, because I have decided to move on from many vested situations in my life. From leaving a religion that was not nourishing my spiritual growth, a marriage I grew out of, several successful jobs, two careers, businesses, numerous relationships and friendships.

I have always felt somehow that when we honor what our heart is telling us via feelings, repetitive thoughts, and synchronicity, we free ourselves to experiencing our own expansion.

Discovering our destiny and living our unique life with purpose, is what all of us came here for.

We tend to label ourselves and believe that we have to wear that label forever. I ask you to perhaps consider that wearing a certain label is just a temporary experience.

I propose that we came here to experience various experiences. Some people get to sample a huge buffet of life experiences, whereas some people just limit themselves to the safety of  having cereal. We all have a choice as to how large and varied our smorgasbord can be.

Recognizing the 3 main and definitive indicators that may be telling you its time to let go and move on can include:

1. You don't feel motivated or inspired like you used to. You have to now talk yourself into things that previously you would automatically and willingly do. Now you have to bring out your pros and cons list to find the same sense of purpose that drove you to action easily before. You need to set time aside to schedule in things that just seemed easier before. You notice that your inner dialogue consists of alot of self judgement, that you're lazy, unable to commit or finish projects, what will others think of you, that you're flaky?! You become critical of your lack of inactivity, enthusiasm or interest.

2. You become aware of a sense of heaviness, stagnation or general resistance on your part. Its almost as if now it costs you alot more energy to get back to where you were. Activities that used to 'feed' and uplift you energetically just don't feel that way anymore. The contrast you feel energetically is almost palpable and undeniable. This is a lack of ease when you think about your job, relationship or project. You procrastinate, find excuses to not do things you genuinely enjoyed previously.

You may 'coincidentally' get a headache or stomach ache whenever you think of this job, person or project because your body also gives you signs when you develop sudden uncomfortable symptoms indicating something isn't right for you. Pay attention to those subtleties, your body is an instrument thru which your soul communicates!

3. It becomes easy to consider being without this relationship, project, person, or job. You feel relief at the thought of letting it go. A sense of greater freedom, an ability to breathe comes over you if you allow yourself to consider the possibility of moving on.

There are stages to endings. After you've experience enough of them you become aware when you even sense the beginning of an ending.

Accept the possibility that some people are here to teach us how to let go. Choose to see the blessing in the opportunity for you to witness your own growth!

This consideration certainly gave me a lot of relief. By changing my perspective I can now appreciate those people who were difficult for me to let go of.

Its our attachment to something we have invested in, that causes us pain. Its the belief that this job, relationship, project was the only and best opportunity available to us that keeps us questioning.

We fear letting go because we don't trust that something even better could be available to us. We fear hurting others by making our heartfelt decision known. But if these people loved us, wouldn't they support our expansion and want us to be fully living our life? The right people will stay with you and join you in your expansion, and that is inspiring!

We may even believe that we are not worthy of greater or better things. Many of us settle. We learn to quietly tolerate what is. We dismiss or deny our feelings of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment for the price of familiarity and security.

Many of us have never had examples of trust, people who inspire us to create magnificent jobs, careers, relationships, projects for ourselves.

I believe that our greatest suffering is caused by betraying ourselves. We lie to ourselves and settle for a comfortable existence and this ends up being our greatest regret when we look back. The things we didn't do. The things we denied ourselves. The things we told ourselves we weren't worthy of.

I'm still learning to recognize signs of when its time for me to move on. Our most courageous decision in life sometimes can be whether to stay or move on.

Once we recognize what I like to call a 'vibrational disharmony' I believe its time to let go. Accepting the not knowing and ambiguity is an act of great courage too.

Moving on with grace, acceptance and trusting the process is the key to living an authentic life. If the 'only constant is change', why do we resist? I believe the better we get at letting go and moving on, the faster the magnificent life that we are meant to be living will manifest.

One of my favorite quotes is "Our heart knows reasons our mind knows not of.." . We are all moving on, life is in constant process toward reaching our fullest potential.

Recognize what you need to move on from. Is it a belief system, a now restricting way of living, a job that isn't meaningful anymore, or relationship that doesn't nourish your uniqueness?

Be true to your own heart and live in the moment because this moment is all we have. By not moving on from something we are denying ourselves the opportunity to live this life fully.

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