Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Are We Ever NOT On Our Path?

There is so much judgement and pressure about whether we are or aren't on the 'right' path. This implies to specifics like our career, finding our 'soulmate' and other relationships, or the biggie, our life's 'purpose'.

We are compulsively driven to constantly search, study, and find clues about whether we are getting closer. This relentless search implies that if we develop, learn, and enlighten ourselves further then our path will become more clearer, we'll get there faster.

We are so focused on our proposed destination that we tend to entirely miss the joy of being on the journey. It's like we have a stubborn inherent resistance to this moment!

I love asking questions, of myself and others. I have been cursed blessed with a curious mind. I believe that its in our asking the correct questions, that enables us to change our perspective of the 'problem'.

 Doesn't our relentless search for our path indicate that somehow we are incomplete, defective until we find it??

What if, we are already perfect just as we are in this very moment? With whatever our current level of awareness, education, material stuff, relationship and health status is?

What if, we were to change our perspective and focus more on being fully mindful of each precious moment of the journey?

What if, we let go of our perceived ideas, judgements of whether we are successful, healthy, loved, or financially abundant? What if we surrender to just accepting ourselves just as we are in this very moment? What if our path is to cease all expectations of ourselves? What if we are enough??

What if we never reach our destination or goal, does that mean we have failed and deem our lives as being wasteful?

Society rewards and encourages us to constantly be on the treadmill of setting goals. Whether it be climbing the corporate ladder, losing that last unwanted 5kg, paying off a staggering mortgage amount, or getting our new boyfriend to commit.

We have categorized every aspect of our life and have set goals toward. We are so focused on our intended goals that it has become totally incomprehensible that perhaps our life may actually be perfect despite our perceived imperfection.

I believe that its our resistance to what is, that is our biggest and unrecognized misinterpretation of all.

I propose that each of us IS on our path, perfectly coordinated at every moment. However, we tend to  resist to even consider that, because our current situation may be perceived as too painful.

We are too sick, too fat, haven't read the latest book, not smart enough yet, haven't found our 'soulmate', still not there yet. We focus on whats supposedly missing.

What causes us more suffering is our attachment to the idea that we have failed, or we're not there yet.

Unfortunately most of us, myself included, have grand realizations in retrospect!

Could perhaps the feeling of being mindful, and totally appreciative of exactly where we are, actually BE our path?? What if its not a path at all but a revelation of perfect moments? What if our path isn't an action but rather our ability to simply BE?

I can honestly say that my biggest regrets thus far are not whether I earned a degree on time, got the highest mark on my exams as I intended, whether I worked longer hours, purchased the newest version of a Prada handbag, or whether I finally won the Nobel Peace Prize!

But rather, that I wasn't fully present for the people I loved because I was too focused on reaching an intended destination. That I missed too many precious moments because I wasn't mindful of what I now realize in retrospect, was a fleeing moment.

Awareness of this has made me question whether we are ever NOT on our path. Or, are we so busy trying to reach a destination that we miss realizing what our path is? That being in THIS moment is our path revealing itself to us.

I believe all of us are exactly where we are meant to be.

Total and radical acceptance of what is allows us to fully experience and appreciate how precious each moment is.

It also opens up the doorway to gratitude of life itself. And THAT is empowering.

It's our unrecognized and habitual thought pattern to believe that we are broken, needing to be fixed, to get somewhere else. This keeps us longing and separated from everything that we already are, already have.

We are perfectly imperfect. Our life is perfectly coordinated at a pace that is ideal for our soul's evolution, despite our ego's struggle to accept this.

It is in letting go of what we perceive our path to be, that we start living our path. Its in our ability to be mindful and appreciative of this exact moment that we realize what our true path is. Not in attaining a destination but rather acceptance of this very moment.



  1. Wow, brilliant touchy , our true path always lies ahead its just we do neglect it.

  2. Wow, brilliant touchy , our true path always lies ahead its just we do neglect it.

    1. thanks for your feedback Opeyemi.. yes you are right to point out that we sometimes neglect it
