Saturday, March 21, 2015

Reasons Why Smart Women Never Doubt Their Intuition

Having a well developed sense of intuition can assist you in achieving success in all areas of your life.

I like to call intuition our 'inner-tuition'. It is guidance from our higher Self, Source, Soul, the Universe, or God, or whatever your understanding of 'something greater' than yourself is.

The capital letter indicates our True Self and not the small, ego centered version of ourselves that we have been led to believe we are just limited to. Intuition can be considered as a higher form of instinct.

Many of us have clear recollections of the times we didn't listen to our intuition which resulted in devastating effects. 

Intuition can be a combination of a creative idea, a 'hunch' about a particular situation, spark of inspiration, getting goosebumps, a sudden impression about a new person we have just met, or just a definite sense of knowing.

We can also receive intuitive guidance in our dreams, via a vision, or premonition. Intuitive guidance can be recognized by 'co-incidentally' meeting certain people at the right time and place, reading an article or hearing a song that clarifies exactly what we were previously unsure of, a book falling off a shelf whose title is precisely what we needed help with.

Surrendering to the concept that our life is supported by something greater than our small self allows us to open up to receiving assistance on our sometimes confusing journey of life. Not being aware of our intuition on the other hand, can cost us peace of mind, loss of direction and sense of purpose.

Learning to trust our intuitive abilities means that we can combine observation, logic and intuition to make more effective decisions, reach our goals faster, and enjoy a more rewarding life.

As a society we are only starting to value the extraordinary benefits of listening to our inner guidance.

Many of us, myself included, were controlled by religion that falsely manipulated us to believe that inner-tuition was only accessible to the chosen few.

We were trained to deny, suppress, repress, and certainly never discuss any intuitive feelings, thoughts or ideas we may have had. This was considered a sign of rebellion.

Intuition was a threat to religion because it meant that we had a personal connection to God, and we could possibly no longer be controlled by guilt and manipulation.

If inner-tuition is our Soul communicating to us, then repression meant we had to deny expression of our unique individuality and specific contribution to mankind.

Religious judgement destroyed our confidence in 'hearing' what our purpose and reason for being was. Religious scepticism just confused us and distorted our ability further.

I'm sure many of us can recall incidences when we knew we should be taking a different course of action than what external reality was confirming to us at the time. There are also many amazing stories of intuition saving peoples lives.

For example, a woman going out on a first date with a physically attractive and charming man who seemed to be 'too good to be true'. She received a strong intuitive sense of something not being right. She listened,  and despite her attraction to him, she decided not to agree to a second date. Months later she got confirmation that her gut feeling was correct when she 'co-incidentally' flicked open a page in a newspaper. She saw a picture of the very man she went on a first date with months ago. The article described how he was finally arrested for scamming lonely women out of tens of thousands of dollars.

Or a lovely example of a woman getting an intuitive feeling to cancel her already booked flight, rescheduling for another day which resulted in her sitting next to a man who she deeply connected with who later became her husband!

There are many devastating costs of doubting our intuition. Most common costs include wasting time, enduring unhappy relationships and jobs, procrastinating about what our true hearts calling is, suffering in indecision needlessly and just being regretful about decisions and choices we could clearly see in retrospect we were guided to make earlier.

In many people intuition is still an underdeveloped skill that can be likened to a flaccid muscle. With regular training however, we can learn to cease doubting this brilliant capacity we have all been gifted with.

Learning to never again doubt intuition will serve us to discover our unique life purpose and live each moment in great appreciation of its perfection.

We will begin to confidentially weave our own magic, trust and clearly hear the guidance of our own heart.

1 comment:

  1. Luckily, I wasn't tainted by religion but rather by "realistic" people around me. You know, saying like this " What we can't perceive with our physical senses don't exist" or " Show it to me black on white".

    However, most of the time I chose my intuitive hunches and when I didn't it was to follow someone else's point of view or just fitting in with the crowed and not being seen as a weirdo.

    It sure gets better the older I get and with some practicing. It can be developed when you are consciously aware and open for it.
