Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The MOST Cheapest Remedy To Cure All Ills!

I have always loved talking to people about how to empower themselves and reduce dependency on expensive supplements or drugs. After all, we all have the right to access simple, affordable and very effective natural remedies in our home that could greatly benefit us. This is just another very simple remedy every one just has to know about!

Its sodium bicarbonate, or plain old baking soda. I will just briefly outline the benefits on human health so you can remember to use and prevent further illness with.

Sodium bicarbonate is actually naturally produced in our body to neutralize acidity, or balance pH. Sodium is a mineral that is part of the body's alkaline mineral reserves that helps to buffer over acidification. Most chronic illnesses today can be classified as 'acidic'.

We have been told a BIG fat lie regarding sodium and all its dangers. Pharmaceutical industry thrives and profits by creating confusion and fear about simple ways that we could be helping ourselves. Bicarb soda is certainly an easily accessible and effective remedy that could seriously cut into their profits!

After living with type 1 diabetes for 30 years I'm certainly familiar with the frequent acidic taste in my mouth, and the burning of the roof of my mouth when my blood sugar levels sky rocket. So no, I don't need to wait until further for scientific testing to verify how helpful sodium bicarbonate has been for me!

I like taking a teaspoon of bicarb soda (aluminum free brand!) in a glass of water before i go to bed. I feel it takes away the heavy feeling after a big late meal, I never feel bloated so definitely helps with digestion, helps me sleep better, and I wake up feeling more energized in the morning.

Sodium bicarbonate replenishes your alkaline reserves. Its been known as an antacid. So instead of Mylanta, remember baking soda!
It reduces all sorts of symptoms that can be classified as acidic, such as bringing miraculous relief of:
  • indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach pain, ulcers
  • arthritis, gout and joint pain
  • sore muscles
  • delays fatigue when exercising
  • kidney stones, helps kidneys function more efficiently (because kidneys work hard to break down and remove acid)
  • urinary tract infections, relieves burning sensation
  • cold and flu
  • cancer, patients drink bicarb but also have it injected directly into the tumor itself which kills the cancer    http://www.cancertutor.com/simoncini/ 
  • tooth decay due to its antibacterial activity, has been found to kill Streptococcus mutans which the bacteria that causes decay
The list of uses for baking soda is almost endless. It whitens teeth, deodorizes, relieves insect bites, cleanses the toilet and unblocks drains, helps flowers last longer, is an excellent facial scrub and body exfoliant, sweeten tomatoes when added to soil, and the list goes on.

Here is a link to some further very interesting implications of sodium bicarbonate on human health

I highly recommend that everyone become familiar with with its uses. We could all benefit in more ways than one by including this in our health maintenance repertoire. 

I remember reading years ago about a study of elderly people in their 90's that revealed the people with the highest level of bicarbonate in their bloodstream were healthier AND lived significantly longer. The study concluded that bicarbonate levels were a marker of longevity.

Check out this bi carb 

Knowing about a such a simple and powerful remedy not only lessens our dependency on other toxic and expensive alternatives, it helps the environment and prevents us from getting ill in the first place by helping maintain the body's natural state of balance.


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