Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Are We All Victims To A Self Imposed Reality? A Corageous Womans' Key To Freedom

Our reality, or what we are certain is real for us, is based of a set of beliefs we adopted unknowingly when we were children.

All beliefs are ingrained in us, taught usually by repetition, by the time we are 6. At that age our brain is still developing, we have an inability to make conscious decisions and are dependent on our caretakers to hopefully paint for us a version of a colorful and loving reality.

All of us adopt belief systems our parents, grandparents, doctors, school, and church told us were real.

Our most deeply ingrained beliefs are firmly planted in our subconscious mind, which is also known as our habitual mind. This is where the 'automatic pilot' behaviors stem from.

Our beliefs can be likened to a particular pair of dirty, smeared glasses that allow us to only see a filtered version of reality.

Everybody is wearing a individual pair of filtered glasses all the time, usually we are unaware that we are wearing them.

We argue, defend, and justify our point of view that we can see from our pair of glasses only. We don't realize that everyone sees a different version of reality.

Some of us wear glasses that allow us to see only love, happiness, support and prosperity.

Too many of us unfortunately can only see failure, suffering, sadness and not enoughness.

If we had been brought up in a family where we witness emotional and physical abuse we become domesticated to consider that as normal. So in adulthood we unknowingly attract more of those situations that feel familiar. We are not conscious of how or why we end up repeating very similar scenarios when we are adults.

Sadly, we don't even know how to create another possibility for ourselves. We can't see the smeared dirty glasses that we are wearing, which are our subconscious beliefs. These beliefs block our ability from seeing another possibilities and we become victims of our own self imposed reality. 

Until we become aware of the glasses we are wearing, our subconscious belief keep us trapped as victims. Our negative beliefs automatically limit us regarding what we are capable of.

For example, how much love we are worthy to receive, what sort of connection we enable ourselves to feel with others, whether it's safe to trust, what kindness we deserve to be shown, and how much money we can receive.

However, there is an absolutely tremendous sense of freedom once we start questioning some of our most deeply ingrained beliefs.

For example, if your father told you repeatedly that you are not good enough, you are stupid, slow to learn, life will always be hard for you because of your poor grades, and you will amount to nothing.

An innocent child is unable to discern whether this is true or not. Their subconscious mind takes everything in unquestionably as absolute truth. Children in this way adopt and repeat the world view of their parents.

If a person who has grown up with this kind of negative belief, as an adult she will subconsciously sabotage all success, will look for evidence of how hard life is, prove to herself her subconscious truth that she is stupid. She will become a victim to the obscured reality she is only able to perceive through those dirty glasses. Everything she sees outside in the world will be a reflection of her inner altered belief.

Our beliefs are only thoughts that we keep thinking. They are repetitive in our mind because we don't consciously stop to question whether they are true or not, whether they enhance our experience of current reality or they deny us of living a magnificent life we are truly deserving of.

I have concluded that it is our unquestioned subconscious programs, our believed level of self worth, that we create our reality from. The key to freedom from our self imposed reality however, lies in us implanting new constructive beliefs that serve us. As adults we are the only ones responsible for ourselves.

Ask yourself: where in your life do you repeatedly get the same results? Do you find yourself in the same relationships? Situations at work? Struggle reaching goals or keep failing no matter how hard you try? Is prosperity, love, the perfect partner just out of your reach?

Once we identify a belief, we can then also ask ourselves: Is this really true? How is believing this, sabotaging my efforts from creating something magnificent that I long for?

All of us have so many hidden beliefs that we need to look at. We no longer need to be victims of our negative programs that disable us from creating success in every area of our life such as, loving relationships, optimal health, joy, sense of purpose, and belonging.

It takes courage to shine a light on our deeply hidden convictions. But it is only when we choose to let go of those smudged and polluted glasses that we can create a life we know we came here to experience.

All unknown and repressed negative beliefs separate us from what true reality is. That the world IS abundant, that there is enough love, money, opportunities for everyone.

Did you feel resistance reading that last sentence? Perhaps it is an indicator of your underlying belief about what you consider you are worthy of...

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