Friday, February 6, 2015

Why I Beleive In Miracles!

Do you believe in the 'impossible'? Do you dream of the perfect job, your perfect partner, your perfect body, a miraculous healing from an illness?

Everything you look at today was once just somebody's dream and miracle! This is very clear evidence that dreams do come true, right?

Do you believe dreams are just wishful thinking? Miracles just happen in fairy tales? Or are they a key for what your hearts calling is?

Take these now very famous people for example:
  • Steve Jobs dropped out of college to start Apple in his parents garage!
  • Kris Wark was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer at age 26 healed completely with natural therapies!
  • J.K Rowling was on welfare and then worked in coffee shops to support herself before she became a best selling author!
  • the famous Dr Veronique Desaulniers cured herself of breast cancer naturally!
  • Jimmy Moore was morbidly obese before going out on his own search for health, lost tremendous weight, gained health and is now teaching millions of others how to!
  • Jess Ainscough  achieved her miracle and healed cancer with controversial Gerson Therapy!

There are MANY others who clearly became living examples of the miraculous occurring!

I believe that our dreams propel us into action. Without inspired action these realities cant manifest. when you truly feel passion for that supposedly crazy dream you have in your head, it gives you the courage to take action.

If however, you focus on how your dream can't come true, then you will most likely feel deterred from taking the required actions.

The word CAN'T in itself is very immobilizing. How about replacing that word with WON'T? How does that shift your awareness?

The word WON'T implies that you have made a choice. YOU choose NOT to take action, and that is empowering!

The word CAN'T is disempowering because it implies to your subconscious mind that its impossible and you are a victim.

To be a magnet for miracles you must consciously look at the words you say to yourself, and others. Many people still have difficulty accepting that their thoughts, emotions, and imagination actually do have power. And this in itself is the greatest stumbling block. Quantum physics is proving that our thoughts are actually manifestations and set things in motion.

The exemplary people who achieved the impossible did so because
  • they totally believed
  • persisted and didn't take no for an answer
  • chose to use resistance that they may have faced as a tool to strengthen their resolve
  • never lost faith in the inevitability of their dream
  • were fully focused on the solution       

 Other qualities they radiated include
  • optimism (not skepticism)
  • total self honesty (no blame)
  • open mindedness
  • flexibility (no stubbornness or denial)
  • willingness
  • commitment
  • acceptance of what is
  • self responsibility
  • a burning desire and determination
  • letting go of negativity
  • forgiveness for others and themselves
  • surrendering to ambiguity
  • humility (accepted that they may have been wrong)
  • accepting Divine timing (believed in something Greater than themselves, weren't functioning from ego)
  • gratitude (saw the gift in all the 'bad' they experienced)
  • focused on solutions rather than obstacles
Try this exercise to help understand the power of our mind.
Look around you where you are right now and notice everything that is red in color!

Did you notice how quickly your brain told your eyes to draw your attention to everything that was red?

Its the same when you have a belief for example, about how your illness is incurable. Your brain will automatically draw your attention to statistics of death, images in the media of horrible symptoms, complaining people who are struggling, you'll 'coincidentally' over hear conversations by strangers related to your belief of interest, and ecetera, all to confirm your belief! Our mind is very powerful.

Be aware of whether you are feeling denial, skepticism, or defensiveness because those emotions all stem from fear and create a blockage, they don't assist you in creating your dream. 

Most frequently we are so frightened of making the necessary changes and taking action toward our intended dream, that we enter into a pattern of postponing and excuses. 

When however, you become aware of what you believe, how you think and feel, you start taking charge of your life. You are no longer a victim of your unaware blocking belief and subconscious program. 

You then become like an energetic magnet for your dream, you open yourself up to receive the right information that will serve you, meet the right people, come across 'co-incidental' opporunities and your heartfelt miracle has the possibility to occur. Being open to everything and attached to nothing is essential!

Always remember bout how many things were impossible, until someone did them!

If you too are on a journey to become more conscious of yourself and are keen to learn how you can create miracles in your life, I encourage you to open up to your Inner world behind your eyes as this is where your true power lies!

1 comment:


    No miracles. Her cancer advanced as expected for a slow sarcoma.
