Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why I'm NOT Waiting For A CURE!

Have you had a chronic debilitating illness for too many years? Are you managing to suppress the symptoms of that illness while waiting for medical research and pharmaceutical industry to find a cure? And then, make it affordable and accessible to the public?? If you are one of those people then you and I have lots in common!

Its been three decades for me. I've now had enough of just existing. Silently waiting for whats apparently inevitable and predicted for me.

I have started to look at myself and realize I have been a victim, and dependent. Dependent on the trusted information I've been taught about this illness, how to live with it, that it's incurable, that a magic drug or surgery is on the way to ease my suffering. I'm questioning everything because I've had enough of being sick.

I'm willing to consider the possibility that perhaps the information I thought was right is actually wrong, or outdated. That my dietary and lifestyle choices could be much more health supportive. That I've settled for convenience. That what I believe is possible or not for my future could be incorrect.
If we have limiting beliefs of whats possible for us, then our reality will validate that. We look to the outside world to prove to ourselves we are right! So if the belief that the illness we have is incurable, we will always find that we are right!

If we have been taught information from people, organizations, industries that profit from our limited understanding and dependence, why would they want to enlighten us with anything that would actually cure us? Let's face it, they would be losing a valuable customer!

If we look at the statistics of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and arthritis they indicate that we are far from a cure. The number of people suffering and dying keeps going up every year despite the billions of dollars in research.

I don't consider it unfortunate but rather fortunate for me, that the severe symptoms I'm starting to experience are driving me to ask many questions. I'm running out of time and may not have the luxury of 'within the next 10 years'.

I have always believed that if ONE person can heal from the incurable, why can't another? Shouldn't we be doing research on that person who has now healed?

There are many people healing from seemingly impossible situations, we just don't hear of them because a lot of industries would go bankrupt if we all healed overnight.

We are focused so much on the problem that we are unable to see the solution, even if it appeared right before our eyes.

It's obvious that we as a society have been focused on the problem, the disease, the way things DON'T work, how healing is impossible, and from a very skeptical perspective. We focus on a cure when there are irrefutable causes everywhere!

I propose we look at what IS possible, HOW healing can happen, WHAT actions we need to do or not do, to support healing and well being.

We are living in an exciting time in history where the veil of illusions is being slowly lifted. We once believed the world was flat and that smoking was good for us!

There are now many people who have been awakened. Due to all  their suffering they are willing to totally open their minds, question their every belief, and consider a total new view of what health is. Are you willing to be honest with yourself? How your choices contributed to where you are?

Being symptom free is NOT health. Being on 5 medications is NOT health. Suppressing our symptoms is NOT health.

Its denial. And evidence of our denial is putting our lives in the hands of corporations who thrive financially from our denial. Cure is like the carrot that is being dangled in front of a donkey so it keeps moving forward. How much longer are you willing to watch millions of people die?

I believe we all have the power to educate ourselves. Our life IS meant to be good for us. We ARE supposed to trust our body's healing ability!

We can learn from people who are walking the talk and living their lives by example. We can observe what isn't working. All we need is honesty, courage and willingness to just start.

If you too have lived with a long term illness you will know exactly what I'm talking about. But of course, that will depend on how honest you are willing to be with yourself.

We each have a choice to make. How much longer you're willing to delegate the responsibility of the quality of your life is up to you.

I'm embarking on a journey that entails total self responsibility. Any time wasted on blame, skepticism or stubborn identification with illness, could be spent better elsewhere. I intend to feel good, how about you?

Subscribe to my blogs and YouTube channel if this is of interest to you and if you'd like to join with like minded others who are no longer willing to put their lives on hold for a cure, but start taking empowering steps today, towards healing!

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