Sunday, February 15, 2015

Stay Super Healthy With This Dirt Cheap Supplement!

I've always loved health promoting products that are exceptionally effective for a wide range of issues, affordable for everyone and easily accessible. So what I'm about to tell you about falls into these categories. Its diatomaceous earth. That's right, its actually dirt!

This simple remedy has a list of health benefits that really is just hard to comprehend. I'd heard about DE years ago but never committed to taking it every day. Well its been a few weeks now and I have noticed tremendous and visible improvements. Have a look some of the ways diatomaceous earth can benefit:

  • strengthens hair and nails
  • binds and detoxifies heavy metals, bacteria, parasites, viruses, worms, pesticide and drug residues
  • eases digestive issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, allergies
  • improves health of colon
  • helps reduce obesity
  • great for detoxing
  • reduces cholesterol
  • clarifies skin issues such as acne, rashes
  • improves quality of sleep
  • reduces cellulite
  • strengthens teeth and gums
  • regulates bowel movements
  • improves joint and ligament pain
  • reduces signs of aging, smooths complexion
  • improves immune system
  • increases vitality
  • benefits digestive health
  • increases absorption of food
  • eases arthritis symptoms

And these are just some of the benefits it has on human health, there are over 1500 ways!

Its also amazing benefits for pets, for your garden, helps get rid of pests naturally and has multiple cleaning uses!

Diatomaceous earth, also known as DE, is almost pure silica but also contains numerous other trace minerals.

The 1939 Nobel Peace Prize winner was Profesor Adolf Butenandt. He proved that life cannot exist without silica. So that's quite a significant discovery and implication for human health!

Since we are exposed to so many toxins in our air, food and water, diatomaceous earth is definitely something everybody would benefit from taking regularly.

The most common problem people have today regarding health is due to cumulative effects of toxins and synthetic substances, and our inability to eliminate them effectively. Most times we aren't even aware of what could be slowly poisoning us.

I believe that the climbing obesity rate is also due excessive toxin exposure. Because toxins are stored in fat, its as if our body is actually protecting our organs by storing more fat. Most of us don't need to diet but rather reduce our toxic exposure, detoxify. This is how DE would be beneficial to people wanting to lose fat.

DE chelates, or pulls out, and then binds to toxic metals such as mercury from vaccinations, seafood, and aluminum from cooking pots, cans and deodorants. (Did you know that boiling fluoridated tap water in aluminum pots extracts the aluminum exponentially!) Heavy metal toxicity is very prevalent. Most people now know about the aluminum and Alzheimer's link. How about the mercury and autism link?

DE is affordable for everybody and you only need to take 1-2 teaspoons a day, mixed into some water. Ok, so it tastes a bit grainy but I've certainly recommended more awful tasting herbs!

This is the DE I bought at my local organic store

You only need to make sure that the DE that you buy is food grade.

Check out this one!

I think most people would agree that prevention is the best medicine. Diatomaceous earth helps prevent many health issues by simply increasing elimination of toxins that are likely to build up in our body and mess up our ability to function at an optimal level. Whilst at the same time provides minerals that enhance our body's efficacy. What a fantastic natural and safe remedy. But most of all its affordable for everybody!

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