Saturday, May 9, 2015

What Every Exhausted & Overweight Woman Must Know About Her Thyroid

Having a basic awareness about the thyroid gland, what it does, how it works, and what it requires nutritionally, can have a huge impact on quality of life for many women! Undiagnosed low thyroid function can feel like an endless experience of frustration and madness.

I'm passionate about raising awareness about the importance of healthy thyroid function because I have personally seen many women suffer silently for 20-30 years. Every woman owes it to herself to become aware of her own body, and join the dots regarding thyroid health and common symptoms that may be presenting. For the purposes of this basic blog I will just be discussing hypothyroidism.

Hashimoto's disease, also known as autoimmune thyroiditis, is recognized as a common cause of hypothyroidism. It's classified as an autoimmune condition where the immune system cells attack the thyroid gland, causing inflammation. This reduces the thyroid's ability to make hormones.

Here are some staggering statistics. According to the American Thyroid Association:  More than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime.
  • An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease.
  • Up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.
  • Women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems.
  • One woman in eight will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime.

These statistics are for Australia, provided by by Thyroid Australia Ltd.. These statistics show the prevalence of spontaneous hypo and hyperthyroidism. Its astounding for women aged between 51-60 the incidence is over 11%, and the rates keep going up with age. Is this not significant enough for people to be aware of?? Clearly by these statistics, as we get older we need to become more aware of our thyroid needing support.
Australian Prevalence - Spontaneous Hypo- and Hyperthyroidism
to Male
20 & Under
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
51 to 60
61 to 70
71 to 80
Over 80

Hypothyroidism results from altered or under secretion of thyroid hormone. It can present as  extreme and constant tiredness, slow metabolism, weight gain/ inability to lose weight, intolerance to cold, muscle weakness, recurrent infections, poor memory, brain 'fog', decreased concentration, depression, water retention, chronic constipation, dry skin, loss of hair and coarse hair, muscle and joint pain, high cholesterol, irregular periods, infertility, diminished sex drive, and slow healing are symptoms women can suffer from for decades. If you are experiencing more than a few of these symptoms, then perhaps its time to consider whether your thyroid needs support.

Hypothyroidism often goes undiagnosed or unrecognized. Women can take medication for depression, take  laxatives for constipation, endlessly apply expensive moisturizers for dry skin, go on 50 diets to reduce stubborn weight gain, suffer with painful fibrocystic breasts, and take diuretics for water retention. This becomes a very expensive search! Every measure could prove ineffective because this requires treating the cause, NOT just the symptoms.

So why is the thyroid gland so important? And what's the iodine connection? Consumption of iodine has fallen drastically since the 1970's. Iodine is absolutely essential for the thyroid gland, and for the creation for T3 and T4 (iodine rich hormones which are released from the gland and transported all over the body).

T4 is a pro-hormone, a pre-cursor to T3 which is ready to be activated in cells of peripheral tissues, liver, and pituitary gland.

Its important to know that when T3 reaches the nucleus of these cells it initiates energy, heat production, oxygen usage, glucose uptake, makes insulin receptors more sensitive to insulin, creates protein, and creates our 'happy hormones' such as serotonin and dopamine. So you can see the impact this has on how your whole body's metabolism!

Other very interesting facts about iodine is that iodine is a powerful sterilizing agent, helps fight off infections, it is anti parasitic, anti cancer and is an antioxidant. Iodine is essential for a healthy immune system!

Iodine deficiency can cause havoc on your whole body, not just thyroid problems and goitre (enlaged thyroid gland). It can also cause mental retardation, cretinism, some forms of cancer, including thyroid cancer, cysts on glandular tissue, such as ovaries and breasts. 

It appears that iodine deficiency is a risk factor for both breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease.

Painful fibrocystic breasts often reverse with sufficient iodine replacement. Supplementation with therapeutic doses of iodine has also been found to be very effective at totally eliminating ovarian cysts. The reason for this is because of iodine's effect on estrogen. It actually helps metabolize estrone (an estrogen which promotes breast cancer cell growth)

Women can endure debilitating symptoms for years, be misdiagnosed or sent away repeatedly with 'we cant find a clear problem so it must be all in your head', because their thyroid tests came back as 'normal'.
Thyroid tests need to be comprehensive and include these 6:
  1. TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
  2. TPO Antibodies (thyroid peroxidase antibodies)
  3. Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TG antibodies)
  4. Free T3
  5. Free T4
  6. thyroid ultrasound.

If you have thyroid issues, are using supplements or adding dietary iodine be aware of this: bromide, fluoride and chloride are all chemicals that compete for absorption with iodine!

In the 1980s, bromine (a bromide derivative) replaced iodine as a bread dough ingredient. Bromine is a known breast carcinogen. In addition, to brominated vegetable oils (BVO's) commonly used in commercial baked goods, bromide can also be found in soft drinks (especially citrus like Fanta, Moutain Dew, Gatorade Orange, Sunkist pineapple, Powerade.

Read more here:

Methyl bromide is also a pesticide used mainly on strawberries. So, unknowingly consumption of these could be deeming your iodine supplements ineffective! Regular consumption of these products could slowly and silently be degrading our thyroid function. Our exposure to bromide is inescapable but knowledge gives you options to make better choices for yourself, and your family.

Bromide, chlorine and fluoride are often also included in water for swimming pools and spas. It takes approximately 15 seconds of washing your hands in chlorinated water for it to absorb through your skin! Unless you have a 'good' shower filter, most people absorb chlorine on a daily basis via inhalation while showering. If you're serious about healing your thyroid issues, please aware be of this. Its the daily small habits that accumulate and slowly cause bigger health issues later down the track.

There has been a lot of controversy regarding fluoridation of water but truth about the toxic effects on human health far outweigh what the public has been told. Skeptics can't deny that fluoridation IS mass medication because nobody can actually answer HOW MUCH fluoride we are ingesting daily via drinking tap water. Fluoride is found in most cities tap water and toothpastes, so if you have thyroid issues, be aware of what you're exposed to every day that could be halting your recovery. Smoking can also decrease thyroid hormone secretion.

The good news however is that if iodine is present in sufficient amounts, bromide, fluoride, and chlorine cannot affect the thyroid and are excreted from the body. Iodine has also been shown to increase the excretion of other toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead.

One my favorite iodine supplements is Lugol's, which can be bought from a compounding pharmacy. For more empowering information about iodine and history of Lugols's read this..

Goitrogens also block iodine's function. Goitrongens are present in the Brassica family of food, and include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, mustard greens, spinach, radish, Brussels sprouts, kolrabhi, and horseradish. So perhaps reduce your ingestion of these if you are suspecting your thyroid is struggling.

Other nutrient deficiencies such as essential fatty acid, zinc and selenium can negatively affect thyroid function. So it's important that your body has optimal amounts of these nutrients if you're healing your thyroid function and need help with symptoms.

Find a practitioner who understands and supports your intention to heal. Someone compassionate who knows the frustration of searching for answers. Someone who can either empower you, or point you in the right direction of someone else who specializes in restoring thyroid health. There's some brilliant therapists emerging now because women are asking more questions.

I hope the brief information presented in this blog has shed some light on what your next step needs to be. Your quality of life depends on your level of awareness.

I highly recommend the book Running On Empty by Robyn Koumourou. She is a current board member of the support organization Thyroid Australia. This book is for any woman who's sick and tired of being sick and tired, and who finally wants to make sense of the madness. Very empowering and educating.

If this information resonated with you, and you too are interested in learning about reaching your highest potential then please subscribe to receive more enlightening blog posts..
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