Monday, May 18, 2015

Spiritual Partnerships: Why HSP Are Evolving From Traditional Relationships

Have you noticed how the entire human relationship experience is in transition? Perhaps you have noticed in yourself, or others, that we are expecting so much more out of relationships than we settled for before? We are no longer satisfied with remaining in stagnant or destructive relationships for the sake of security or survival.

HSP are driven by purpose and meaning, without it, we wither.

Although it seems as if women are initiating this transition, there are more and more men who also long for a spiritual partnership. So what is the difference and why should anyone be alert to these global changes in consciousness?

A spiritual relationship can be defined as:
A partnership between equals whose purpose is spiritual growth. Spiritual partners crave meaning, equality, harmony, sharing, passion, a shared purpose, and a reverence for life.

We are now more than ever, searching for partners with whom we can grow spiritually rather than just accomplish common and expected goals of society.

We are realizing that there's so much more to life than getting married, having a family, and paying off the mortgage. We hunger for deep connection, someone who 'gets us', someone who inspires us to become the best we can be.

It's like we are evolving from five sensory to multi sensory.

We are seeing past the short lived glitz and glamor of ego. Men and women now seem to have access to so much more awareness.

Instead we are drawn to people who are grateful, patient, caring, creative, fulfilled, loving, fully present in interactions, and evolving. These are common longings of HSP. We yearn for something much more than just physical attraction, or the ability to provide security.

Spirituality is a pilgrimage into self awareness and self responsibility. We eagerly seek to enter into meaningful and significant relationships that nurture spiritual growth of both partners. 

A spiritual partnership can be likened to friends, who are students learning the same subject at school and they help one another with their homework, which is spiritual growth. They are fellow travelers bound for the same destination. They are each responsible for their shared journey, and they are each committed to completing it. They only stay together as long as they are growing together.

Spiritual partners understand that the other person doesn't cause them pain but rather may trigger sources of it within themselves. They are seen as messengers showing us what wounds still need healing. They look inside themselves for causes of pain or suffering, rather than blame the other person, or external causes. They are willing to take full responsibility for the parts they bring into this partnership.They support each other in transforming their past wounds into wisdom.

Human consciousness is changing rapidly. Relationships of the past based on inequality, control, blame, dependence, and traditionally accepted roles are growing old, fast. Many of these relationships are coming to an end.

Many HSP are stepping up, and setting a higher standard for their experiences of relationships.

And that is empowering because we need to let go of the old and ineffective to make room for the new and deeply satisfying.

We can no longer silence our hearts because the voice of our Soul is growing louder. We can no longer pretend or lie to ourselves.

We find overwhelming joy in meeting like minded travelers, and when we find each other there is peace, joy, and a sense of 'knowing' unlike we have experienced ever before.

Spiritual partners encourage each others expression of uniqueness, and discovery of each others Soul purpose.  There's a shared agreement to be present for each other during life's challenging times.

This profound change is beginning with each of us, and our seeking a deeper commitment to our own spiritual growth. Unlike ever before, these kind of partnerships enable us to transcend our family history, dramas, and tragedies to grow spiritually and evolve.

We are growing tired and bored of discussing repetitive relationship problems and are more keen to find solutions.

We are losing interest in partners that are not interested in growth, or choose to stay 'unconscious', victims, who are irresponsible for their actions, words, and energy.

We are also accepting that to truly love someone, sometimes it may mean that you do have to let them go, because it is the most loving thing to do for ourselves, and them. We understand that some people can remain in our heart, but not in our life.

We are beginning to trust that everything will come to us at exactly the perfect time, including a spiritual partnership.

If we want to participate in changing the world, this is how we do it. With one conscious choice at a time.

Regarding partnerships, choose what is worthy of your interest, attention, and investment, and what is not. For every mindful and lovingly intentional choice you make, you personally contribute to raising consciousness at this time.

Depth, authenticity and purpose are fast becoming non-negotiable for many HSP. We are would rather be alone than participate in self betrayal.
For more empowering insights for HSP please connect via YouTube here.

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