Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What's The Fastest Way To Heal Digestion Problems?

Digestive symptoms can be caused by many things. From wrong food choices, allergens and sensitivities, over eating, food poisoning, and even stress.

If you're like me, you see the value of trying something natural before you start taking more drastic measures and turn to drugs.

'First do no harm' sounds like a very reasonable place to start.

So what's the fastest way to heal digestion problems? Well, aside from taking into consideration all the obvious causes, the answer is a digestive tonic.

A digestive tonic is a concoction of herbs that regulate the organs of digestion.

My favorite of all time is absolutely Swedish Bitters. Surprisingly, it's a really brilliant digestive remedy that many people have never heard of.

Swedish Bitters is a combination of herbs that obviously are bitter. So how do they work exactly?

One main method of healing digestion is simply by their bitter taste.

When we taste bitter it stimulates a reflex in our brain. Our brain then signals our digestive such as our salivary glands to start producing saliva, our stomach to start producing gastric acid, and our pancreas to start secreting enzymes.

Most of us in the West probably can't even remember eating something bitter! It's like the taste has been eliminated from our diet. And that is unfortunate because this is exactly how bitter herbs regulate movement our whole digestive process, and enhance our ability to absorb food.

Swedish Bitters has an impressive and long history of use. The famous alchemist, botanist, and toxicologist Paracelsus used this recipe back in the 15th century!

I have personally uses Swedish Bitters since I was a child. My mum cured my earaches, sore throats, coughs, and acne all with this ancient herbal concoction.

It wasn't til years later when I studied Herbal Medicine that I learned about the true value of herbal synergy.

The way in which certain combination of herbs work together, and the sum total magically has a much more powerful effect than using those herbs individuality.

Swedish Bitters has that magical synergy.

The combination of herbs can help heal most digestive symptoms within minutes. From indigestion, bloating, abdominal fullness, constipation, to heartburn.

It contains a herb that acts as a gentle laxative to stimulate detoxification via the bowel, thus easing constipation.

It helps regulate appetite, and is really great in supporting liver function. These are also very helpful actions for people needing herbal support with their weight loss efforts.

I have certainly seen and personally experienced Swedish Bitters relieving digestive problems fast.

It's as simple as a teaspoon in 150ml of warm water, either 20 before a meal. Or, if you have a sudden onset of digestive upset, a dose straight after the meal is very soothing on most occasions too.

Please remember that if the problem reoccurs, or persists, we have to honestly look at the probable causes.

Swedish Bitters taken over a longer term period of a couple of months can do an excellent job at nourishing, and balancing the function of the entire digestive tract too.

This honestly has been one of my favorite 'first aid' digestive remedies for about 30 years.

Swedish Bitters has many other applications but regarding healing digestion problems, it's definitely my number one go to product.

Please watch my latest product review of two brands of Swedish Bitters here

Swedish Bitters: Heal Your Digestion Fast!

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