Wednesday, February 24, 2016

When Does Healing Begin?

Healing begins when you start to tell the truth. Not only to others, but to yourself.

Many of us had witnessed denial and suppression as a way of life. We learned to tolerate and put up with situations that we knew weren’t for our highest good.

We minimized messages from our body. We ignored urgings from our heart.

We observed others all around us behaving in the same manner, as a way to conform and 'survive'.

And this created a silent inner conflict that we learned not to voice. We became accustomed to living with this helplessness.

We reluctantly concluded that its better to be unaware, because some of the things our heart required us to pay attention to meant we had to change. And, coming out of our comfort zone was very risky.

But on some level we also knew that with each passing moment where we chose to remain in our denial, we would die just a little.

This inner conflict is not conducive to healing rather, it creates unhealthy energy.

We feel stuck, frozen, rigid, brittle, out of balance and all the feelings that range on the negative spectrum of emotion.

This unspoken, denied awareness physiologically creates stress. And this insidious inner stress that we subject ourselves to lowers our immune system.

Did you know that our DNA is also physical aspect of our body and is made of energy? We can change our DNA's energy patterns thru our own change of awareness.

So healing begins when you become aware of your own energy, and noticing if its creating feelings that are flowing, flexible, balanced, or soft. Whether there's ease, or basically any sensation associated with positive feelings.

Our bodies are miraculous instruments that are attuned to truth.

Kinesiology can prove that our entire muscular system either strengthens when we tell the truth, pay attention to truth, or do what’s good for us.

And our muscles literally weaken when we chose to be untruthful, either to ourselves or others.

Our heart is a powerful muscle. What implications does this have on the entire functioning of our body, it's organs and systems?

Have you even been in a job that you absolutely knew you didn't like but convinced yourself to stay because of its monetary value? Recall how your body felt as you continued to lie to yourself, suppress your truth, and kept showing up each day 'half heatedly'? Maybe you started to experience muscle aches, headaches, or your stomach tightened?

This is how we create our own inner 'heaven or hell'.

We have the power to create an inner environment that either supports well-being or dis-ease.

I propose each of us start on the greatest project we will ever undertake.

And that is paying attention to all the subtle ways in which our body communicates truth to us. No longer minimizing, denying or ignoring this language.

Taking small steps each day in speaking our truth, assertively and lovingly asking for what we need from others. 

Turning up the volume of our heart, and slightly turning down the volume of our head.

This is something I believe none of us will ever look back on and ever regret. Would you agree?

Our heart is always connected to truth, and our heart always longs to guide us to optimal health and happiness.

An enlightened poet once said “Our heart knows reasons our head knows not of”.

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