Sunday, October 4, 2015

Are You Missing Opportunities For More Love In Your Life?

We all look for it, long to experience it, and want to prolong it for as long as possible. Love is a powerful force.

Can you clearly recall a point in your life when love gave you a sense deep of purpose? When you were inspired to do so much more than you thought you were capable of? When you felt courageous, strong, and nothing could deter you? When love gave you hope, limitless patience that you never thought you had? Or when love made it easier for you to forgive someone?

I was inspired to write this blog because I heard a statement the other day that really struck me. Probably because it was a perspective about love that I hadn't really paid too much attention to.

The words "All human suffering is due to a deficiency of love" resonated deeply. I stopped to think about its simplicity and truth.

I started to ponder in all the ways in which we suffer because of a supposed lack of love.

And a more empowering question came to mind; are there opportunities that we miss or unknowingly reject?? How can we say "yes" to love?

According to quantum physics what we focus on brings it into our experience. Then why do we spend so much time complaining, discussing in great detail, replaying in our mind painful stories of heartbreak? Why do we want endless validation of our past hurts, disappointments, and betrayals?

We seem to wear our emotional wounds like badges. I know, I've definitely spent a lot of time there too. And I do understand the value of validation. But there comes a point in our lives when we've just had enough of reliving past wounds. 

I recall Ekhart Tolle saying "suffering is only necessary until you realize it is unnecessary".

That really woke me up. I started to become aware of all the ways I was still choosing to suffer and dwell on how much love was missing in my life.

I started to consciously change my focus and wonder; how can we become more present of these opportunities for love, how can we welcome them? Perhaps by being more aware of all the ways in which love presents itself to us?

Are you missing these subtle opportunities?
I encourage you to 'see the world with new eyes' and observe all the different ways people express their love to you.

Be present as these moments occur. Honor them. This is creating a space for love and welcoming more love into your life.

Examples of love we frequently overlook every day
  • Someone walking by, looking at us kindly, acknowledging us in the street as we pass each other. Saying a polite "hello", choosing to extend to us a moment of presence. Their gesture meaning "I see you". Acknowledgement and validation, no matter how brief, are expressions of love. We've all had the experience of being ignored, so why not choose to see this brief validation through loving eyes?
  • Someone giving way to us in traffic. Extending patience. Recognizing that we may be in a rush. Extending consideration to us. Putting our priorities and time ahead of theirs. A brief gesture of kindness and putting someone else first, is an expression of love.
  • A waitress, barista, or receptionist smiling and saying "thank you" when we exchange payment for their help, services, or product. Their moment of presence is an expression of love.
  • A stranger at the dog park starts a conversation by showing interest in your pet, reaching out for a moment of shared connection. Or a woman at the cafe stops to ask you about the book she noticed you were reading. Choosing to pay attention and genuinely extending interest in another person can be an opportunity to express love. 
  • Your new friend invites you over for lunch and makes a meal she remembered you said was your favorite. But although you say thank you, you are quick to start discussions of your issues, problems, and clearing what weighs on your mind. Why miss the opportunity to overlook her loving gesture? Take this moment to stop, give her undivided attention and heartfelt recognition of the effort she's gone to... for you. Appreciation inspires others to want to share even more with you. Love cannot exist without gratitude.

What we see depends on what we look for

These are only small examples of ways in which we miss opportunities to experience more love.

Be attentive of all the different ways loving actions, kindness, patience, and compassion are extended to you. Treasure these small opportunities and soon life will reveal even more.

Although love is something that we feel and experience, I believe that love is what we actually ARE.
I propose that it's most empowering to consider love as a way of being, rather than just an action.

Loving experiences only remind us of our true nature. That's why it feels so good and familiar, to love and be loved.

I believe that opportunities to experience more love are everywhere but, only if we choose to notice.
What seemingly hidden opportunities could you be overlooking in your daily life?

Thanks for reading my expressions of my current internal processes. I hope it was helpful and clarifying to you.

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