Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Vitamin C: How Can This Remarkable Nutrient Help You?

Vitamin C is such an important nutrient that has been researched extensively over many decades. And many amazing facts keep getting unveiled. Are you keen to learn some more fascinating findings that could increase the quality of your life?

Humans are unable to produce their own vitamin C and have lost their ability due to a non functional gene. Most mammals are able to produce their own vitamin C as a metabolite of glucose in the liver.

Guinea pigs, primates and humans however, are unable to produce this important vitamin.  This is the reason why we must get our vitamin C from external sources.

However even if you are consuming organic vegetables and fruit, you may not be consuming enough vitamin C to sufficiently cover your body's needs. And most of us who are health conscious can clearly taste that conventional food isn't what it used to be 30 years ago.

Eating an orange in the 1950's would not have the same nutritional value as eating an orange today. Once you buy it at your local supermarket, most likely that orange has been sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, transported thousands of kilometers, possibly stored for months at a time, refrigerated, and then sold to you. I think you get the picture about declining nutritional value of our food.

If you are elderly, have a chronic illness, are experiencing stress, have recurring infections, are exposed to environmental toxins, live in a major city, and other factors most of us are exposed to in this day and age, you will have a higher need for this particular antioxidant.

History of vitamin C research and medicinal use
Two time recipient of the Nobel Peace Price, Dr Linus Pauling was influential in making everyone aware of the importance of vitamin C and its ability to enhance the immune system.

He was the pioneer of orthomolecular medicine which uses megadoses of vitamins.

Dr Linus Pauling was successfully treating people suffering from numerous illnesses with intravenous vitamin C, with pharmacological doses of up to 100,000 gm! He claimed that the more serious the condition, the more vitamin C the person required.

If you would like to read more about intravenous vitamin C therapy please read the fascinating published documents of Dr. Klenner, in which EVERY disease is healed by this therapy.

Clinical Guide To The Use Of Vitamin C written by Dr. Fredrick Klenner, was a medical researcher and also a pioneer in orthomolcular medicine.

More recently the worlds most renowned vitamin C researcher Dr Ronald Hunninghake continues to research and successfully treat people via intravenous (IV) vitamin C with amazing results.

Watch a brilliant interview with Dr Mercola and Dr Ronald Hunninghake on his ground breaking work with vitamin C here:

Fascinating facts about vitamin C you may not know!

  •  According to research men have a 20% higher requirement for vitamin C than women!
  • Regarding getting your vitamin C from food, always remember that the more colorful your diet, the higher it will be in bioflavanoids and cartenoids which will naturally increase availability of vitamin C. 
  • Studies show that vitamin C is the best antioxidant within the plasma or fluid of the body primarily because it is water soluble.
  • Vitamin C has the ability to regenerate vitamin E and intracellular glutathione so they can be used again and again 
  • Analgesics, alcohol, antidepressants, anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, and steroids reduce the levels of vitamin C in the body. 
  • Smoking causes a serious depletion of vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C is highly concentrated in the fluid within the eye and is a very important nutrient for the retina. 
  • Vitamin C is needed for the metabolism of folic acid, tyrosine and phenylalanine
  • Vitamin C increases absorption of iron.
  • Studies confirm that vitamin C does NOT cause kidney stones.
  • Vitamin C can combine with toxic substances, such as certain heavy metals, and render them harmless so they can be safely eliminated by the body.
  • Essential in the formation of collagen, so a deficiency has implication for everyone that is aging or experiencing a decline in health.
  • Promotes the healing of wounds, bruising and burns.
  • Avoid chewable forms of vitamin C as these can damage tooth enamel due to the ascorbic acid.
  • Works synergystically with both vitamin E and betacarotene, which means when these vitamins work together they have an effect even greater than the sum of their individual effects. Vitamin E scavengers for free radicals in cell membranes, whilst vitamin C attacks free radicals in biologic fluids. They both reinforce and extend each others antioxidant activity.
  • Vitamin C can concentrate in the tissue and fluid around the brain and nerves. It's able to pass through the blood brain barrier. This barrier protects our brain by acting as a filter so no toxins can cross and only essential nutrients can pass.
  • Vitamin C promotes bone and tooth formation and growth, improves appetite, raises resistance to infection and bacterial toxins, keeps blood vessels in a healthy condition, protects the heart, distributes and diffuses calcium to tissues from the blood and is necessary for normal adrenal function.
  • Bioflavanoids (hesperedin, rutin, citrin) work concurrently with vitamin C and together are known as vitamin P. They have a strengthening effect on capillary walls and act as anticoagulants and are antihistamine. 
  • Bioflavanoids are important because they prevent the destruction of vitamin C in the body by oxidation, and are beneficial in supporting the roles of vitamin C which they also share.

Broken capillaries indicating possible deficiency

What is esterfied vitamin C, also known as Ester C?
It is created by having the vitamin C react with a mineral, such as sodium, calcium, potassium or zinc. This results in a non acidic form of vitamin C, which contains metabolites identical to those produced in the body. 

Esterfied vitamin C allows the person to take higher doses because its in the non acidic form which won't irritate the gut.

Large amounts of ascorbic acid alternatively, can irritate the gut and lead to diarrhea, also known as 'bowel tolerance'. Once you reach 'bowel tolerance' that is your maximum absorption dose. This will vary with each individual. That's why smaller divided doses are always advised. 

Apparently esterfied vitamin C enters the bloodstream and tissues four times faster than standard forms of vitamin C because it is able to move into the blood cells much more efficiently. It is also able to stay in the body tissues longer. 

The levels of vitamin C in white blood cells were much higher than those levels achieved with non esterfied vitamin C. And, only one third as much was lost through the urine. So esterfied vitamin C showed to be retained by the body faster, for longer periods of time.

For a while the public went off the buffered forms of vitamin C (ie Ester C) because it was rumored that it may have been oxidized. However based on Dr Hunninghakes expertise in this area, those claims have been proven untrue.

What about liposomal vitamin C?
Because vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin and our cell walls consist of fat this makes it difficult for it to pass into the cell where its needed. 

Liposomes are tiny “nano-size” fat soluble vehicles that can carry a nutrient directly into the body’s cells.

Liposomal vitamin C once swallowed is predominantly taken up by the lymphatic system in the stomach, so its absorption rate is significantly higher than standard vitamin C, it is absorbed directly by the cell. 

In this way it super charges the immune system directly. Larger doses won't irritate the gut, cause diarrhea or be lost in the urine.  

For these reasons, liposomal technology is considered to be the most efficient way to deliver high curative doses.

Dr Thomas Levy, another expert in vitamin C therapy, claims that 6 grams of liposomal vitamin C is equivalent to 50 grams intravenous.

You can purchase sachets of Lipo-spheric Vitamin C here!

Or,  learn to make your own lipospheric vitamin C here!

Research and studies are still being conducted and we are learning new things about this humble vitamin every day. Its exciting to always be learning more about how we can support our body through specific nutrients and what marvelous ways we can nurture our health.

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